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Education System in Canada

Basic InformationToday in Canada there are 15,507 primary and secondary schools, 69 universities and 200 technical institutes and public colleges. Total number of pupils and students - more than 6 million

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Education System in Canada
Prepared by
Igor Bondarenko
Form 11-A

Education System in CanadaPrepared by Igor BondarenkoForm 11-A

Слайд 2Basic Information
Today in Canada there are 15,507 primary and secondary

schools, 69 universities and 200 technical institutes and public colleges.

Total number of pupils and students - more than 6 million people. If we add more and those who are learning on the job and those that are covered by different programs for adults (training, acquiring new specialty, etc.), that number is up to 9.3 million.
Basic InformationToday in Canada there are 15,507 primary and secondary schools, 69 universities and 200 technical institutes

Слайд 3Primary school
Primary education was obtained preschoolers aged 4-5 years in

kindergarten, but it is not mandatory.

Primary schoolPrimary education was obtained preschoolers aged 4-5 years in kindergarten, but it is not mandatory.

Слайд 4secondary school
Secondary Education in Canada - provides free and compulsory

education of children from 5-6 years to 15-16 years (depending

on the province). The student can choose a basic course on any subject.

secondary schoolSecondary Education in Canada - provides free and compulsory education of children from 5-6 years to

Слайд 5High school
Training from 10 to 12 class passes in high

school (Hiqh School), the term "High School" does not apply

in this case to higher education, and more consistent with secondary education in Ukraine. In contrast, secondary education teaching in higher education is not compulsory.
High schoolTraining from 10 to 12 class passes in high school (Hiqh School), the term

Слайд 6higher education
Higher education in Canada - is also the responsibility

of the individual provincial governments. These governments provide most of

the funding of higher education institutions, with the remainder of the funding came from tuition fees, the federal government, and research grants.
higher educationHigher education in Canada - is also the responsibility of the individual provincial governments. These governments

Слайд 7In general, higher education in Canada is characterized by high

standards of teaching, internationally recognized quality training programs and particularly

close connection between education and business in Canada.

In general, higher education in Canada is characterized by high standards of teaching, internationally recognized quality training

Слайд 8Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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