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Endangered species

There are too many endangered species in Russia, for example, the polar beer, the Amur tiger, the red wolf and so on. I would like to tell you about Dzeren, Manul,

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Endangered species

Endangered species

Слайд 2There are too many endangered species in Russia, for example,

the polar beer, the Amur tiger, the red wolf and

so on. I would like to tell you about Dzeren, Manul, Narwhal, Irbis and Red-legged ibis

There are too many endangered species in Russia, for example, the polar beer, the Amur tiger, the

Слайд 31. Mongolian gazelle
The Mongolian Gazelle or antelope is found

in Russia is extremely rare. This small and slender antelope

can be found in the steppes of Altai and Tuva. A characteristic feature of this species are beautiful black horns in males up to 28 centimeters long; females have no horns. Life expectancy in the wild in females is up to 10 years, and males - up to 6.

1. Mongolian gazelle The Mongolian Gazelle or antelope is found in Russia is extremely rare. This small

Слайд 42. Manul
In recent decades, the number of this charming

predator from the cat family continues to decline. Within Russia,

this species can be found in the Altai, Tyva, Buryatia and Chita region. The greatest impact on its numbers have poaching for their fur, as the fur of Pallas ' cats have the most fluffy and thick among the cat family.

2. Manul In recent decades, the number of this charming predator from the cat family continues to

Слайд 53. Narwhal
These marine animals live in the cold waters

along the edge of the Arctic ice. On the territory

of Russia are found near the island of Bering, in the White sea and the Murmansk coast. An interesting feature of narwhals is the presence of tusks, which can develop even in females. Narwhal tusks are highly durable and flexible — their ends can bend at least 31 centimeters in any direction without breaking.
3. Narwhal These marine animals live in the cold waters along the edge of the Arctic ice.

Слайд 64. Snow leopard
Snow leopard is a rare, small, under

the threat of extinction, species. Despite the fact that the

snow leopard stands at the top of the food pyramid and does not experience competition from other predators, its number is constantly decreasing due to constant persecution by humans. The snow leopard inhabits the high mountains of Middle and Central Asia.

4. Snow leopard Snow leopard is a rare, small, under the threat of extinction, species. Despite the

Слайд 75. Red-legged IBIS
Now the red-legged IBIS is an extremely

rare, endangered bird, although before the end of the 19th

century the IBIS was a numerous bird in Central China, Japan and the far East of Russia. The number of this species began to decline sharply due to the shooting of birds for meat and as pests of fields (they trampled rice crops). Also, red-legged ibises died from poisoning with pesticides and fertilizers in rice fields, and from cutting down large trees on which they nest.

5. Red-legged IBIS  Now the red-legged IBIS is an extremely rare, endangered bird, although before the

Слайд 8Thanks for attention)

Thanks for attention)

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