Слайд 1ENGLISH Borrowings in russian
Елисеева Е.С.
Научный руководитель: Брязгунова Н.С.
РИ (ф)
МПУ, Рязань
Слайд 2Basic goals:
consider a number of English borrowings, which have become
a direct part of people's lives, as well as the
scope of social activity in which they are applied;
describe the positive and negative impact of foreign borrowing on the Russian language;
consider further ways of development of the Russian language, provided that people do not use English borrowing wisely;
identify ways to deal with the increasing number of Englishisms in the Russian language.
Слайд 3Language is a system of phonetic, lexical and grammatical means,
which is an instrument for expressing thoughts, feelings, wills and
serving as the most important means of communication between people. The language is the bearer of the culture, traditions and history of the people.
Слайд 4All languages, one way or another, affect each other. The
Russian language at various historical stages was also influenced by
other languages, namely French, Latin, Greek and others. Currently, the greatest impact on our mother tongue is having English.
Слайд 5The words that came into the Russian language from English
were called "Englishism." Currently, Anglicism can be found in many
areas of public life.
Слайд 6Business area:
инсайдер - insider (inside = внутри) - человек, имеющий
доступ к конфиденциальной информации;
лизинг - leasing (lease = аренда)
- сдача внаём;
менеджер - manager (to manage = руководить, управлять);
пиар - pr (сокр. public relation) - связи с общественностью;
прайслист - pricelist - список цен;
риэлтор - realtor — от realty — недвижимость;
холдинг - holding - один из видов бизнес-структур;
дедлайн - a deadline - крайний срок, конечный срок;
инвестор - an investor - вкладчик - лицо или организация, вкладывающие денежные средства в проекты, с целью приумножения своего капитала.
Слайд 7Information technology sphere:
браузер - to browse - просматривать - программа
для поиска и просмотра интернет-ресурсов;
апгрейд - upgrade - обновление
апаратной части компьютерных систем;
дисплей - a display - демонстрация, показ - устройство для визуального отображения информации;
юзер - a user - пользователь - пользователь компьютера;
трафик - traffic - движение, поток информации - объем данных, которые проходят через сервер;
хакер - to hack - взламывать, рубить - человек, который хорошо разбирается в компьютерах и может взламывать различные системы;
пост - to post - публиковать информацию - сообщение в блоге или на форуме.
Слайд 8Sports field:
старт - start - отправление, старт - начало чего-либо;
кросс - to cross - пересекать - бег или гонка
по пересеченной местности;
серфинг - surf - волна прибоя - катание по волнам на доске;
тайм - time - время, срок - период времени спортивной игры;
фитнес - fitness - выносливость, физическая культура, форма.
Слайд 9The positive impact of English on the Russian language:
anglicisms help
make speech more beautiful and expressive;
borrowing can show a high
level of knowledge of a person, his culture, education;
enrich the Russian language with new words.
Слайд 10Negative influence of anglicisms on the Russian language:
anglicisms pollute our
some Russian words are simply completely replaced by englishisms;
the frequent
use of anglicisms can easily put the Russian language in a critical position and threaten to partially disappear;
not everyone understands the real meaning of the used anglicisms.
Слайд 11Ways to combat the increasing number of Englishisms in the
Russian language:
you need to be more careful about your native
no need to use English borrowings thoughtlessly;
it is important to distinguish between situations in which the use of a particular Englishism is appropriate.
Слайд 12Conclusion
Language is a culture, the history of an entire
nation. It is necessary to relate to the native language,
to its development and transformation. This in turn can be either positive or negative.