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Environmental Security/ National KZ

TEAMTansholpanDiana Sanjar Anastasia

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Environmental Security/ National KZ

Environmental    Security/   National KZ

Слайд 2TEAM

TEAMTansholpanDiana Sanjar     Anastasia

Слайд 3Glossary

Opportunity - возможность  Improve - улучшать  Quality - качественный  Man-made - искусственный  Obstacle -

препятствие Pressing - актуальный  Availability - наличие  Decisive - решающий  Quality - качество  Deteriorate -

ухудшать  Impact - воздействие  Solid - твёрдый  Reduce - снижать  Amount - количество  Nuclei - ядро Contribute - способствовать  Occurrence - возникновение 

Unfavorable - неблагоприятный  Harm - вред  Adjacent - прилегающий  Settlements - расчеты  Morbidity - заболеваемость  Malformations - неправильное формирование  Solving - решение  Explosion - взрыв  Widespread - широко распространенный Layer - слой  Aimed - нацеленный Ensuring - обеспечение  Arise - возникать  Obligatory - обязательный Awareness - осознание  Approach - подход
GlossaryOpportunity - возможность  Improve - улучшать  Quality - качественный  Man-made - искусственный  Obstacle - препятствие Pressing -

Слайд 4The poisoning of the world's land, air, and water is

the fastest-spreading disease of civilization. It probably produces fewer headlines

than wars, earthquakes and floods, but it is potentially one of history's greatest dangers to human life on earth.
The poisoning of the world's land, air, and water is the fastest-spreading disease of civilization. It probably

Слайд 5Environmental security…
…is a sustainable state of the environment, providing an

opportunity to improve the quality of life of people, protection

from natural and man-made disasters, the possibility of stable progress of society and the state. 
Environmental security……is a sustainable state of the environment, providing an opportunity to improve the quality of life

Слайд 6Environmental security is one of the main strategic components of

the national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan… 

and the most

important aspect of government priorities. As many domestic and foreign researchers reasonably believe, environmental pollution has become a serious obstacle to the social and economic development of Kazakhstan. Changes in environmental quality are directly related to the development of “dirty” technologies and extensive agriculture.

Environmental security is one of the main strategic components of the national security of the Republic of

Слайд 7pressing environmental problems at this stage is the state of

the water resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The availability

and condition of water resources is a vital factor that has a decisive influence on the economic development of a country. At the same time, the general condition and quality of water resources in the Republic of Kazakhstan significantly deteriorates and their intensive pollution can have a destructive impact on the environment. Under the influence of economic activity, the hydro chemical and hydro biological sanitary regime of almost all rivers in Kazakhstan has significantly changed.

One of the most …

pressing environmental problems at this stage is the state of the water resources of the Republic of

Слайд 8…are characterized by large diversity of landscapes and mineral wealth.

Current ecological state of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the

prevailing system of raw materials management, is caused by the high anthropogenic pressure on the natural environment. Therefore, Kazakhstan is characterized by various types of hazards and threats which are classified by size and type of their manifestation in this paper. A brief analysis of threats of global, regional and local size is presented. In these conditions, environmental security is becoming a particularly urgent and priority part of the national security of the country.

Natural conditions in Kazakhstan

…are characterized by large diversity of landscapes and mineral wealth. Current ecological state of the Republic of

Слайд 9Ecological disaster zones (Aral and Semipalatinsk regions)  The Aral and Semipalatinsk

regions were declared zones of ecological disaster, where, due to

the unfavorable ecological situation, the population was seriously harmed and the natural ecological systems destroyed, flora and fauna degraded.  Currently, in areas adjacent to the former Semipalatinsk test site (85 settlements with a population of 71.9 thousand people), there is a high level of cancer morbidity and mortality from it, diseases of the circulatory system, malformations among infants and the effects of premature aging.  A high level of gastrointestinal diseases and anemia is observed in the zone of ecological disaster in Priaralie (178 settlements with a population of 186.3 thousand people), especially among women and children, infant mortality and congenital pathology. 

Aral and Semipalatinsk regions

Ecological disaster zones (Aral and Semipalatinsk regions)  The Aral and Semipalatinsk regions were declared zones of ecological

Слайд 10Previously, it was believed that the drying up of the

Aral Lake is related to agriculture, but Starting from 2010,

an increasing number of scientists are inclined to believe that the main reason for reducing the water surface of the Aral Sea is the water going underground through the bottom layers


Previously, it was believed that the drying up of the Aral Lake is related to agriculture, but

Слайд 11Objectives and basic principles of environmental safety  State policy in the

field of environmental safety is carried out on the basis

of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is aimed at ensuring the protection of natural systems, the vital interests of society and the rights of individuals against threats arising from anthropogenic and natural impacts on the environment.  Environmentally safe development of the state is based on the following principles:  the subordination of regional and local t

Principles of environmental safety

Objectives and basic principles of environmental safety  State policy in the field of environmental safety is carried

Слайд 12Implementation of the concept of environmental safety  The implementation of the

provisions of this document involves the development of action plans

at the republican level, as well as the development and implementation of measures of state support and regulation in the field of environmental protection and environmental management. Concretization of the provisions of this document in relation to individual areas of society and the state and the peculiarities of the state policy in the field of ecology can be carried out in the development of state, regional and sectoral programs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  The provisions of the Environmental Security Concept are the basis for new policy documents in the field of sustainable development and environmental protection. 

Concept of environmental safety (conclusion)

Implementation of the concept of environmental safety  The implementation of the provisions of this document involves the

Слайд 13http://www.konspekt.biz/index.php?text=55933 https://e-history.kz/ru/contents/view/1736 https://tengrinews.kz/zakon/pravitelstvo_respubliki_k..  https://pochemu24.ru/live/pochemu-vysohlo-aralskoe-mo.. https://tengrinews.kz/zakon/pravitelstvo_respubliki_k.. https://tengrinews.kz/zakon/pravitelstvo_respubliki_k..

http://www.konspekt.biz/index.php?text=55933  https://e-history.kz/ru/contents/view/1736  https://tengrinews.kz/zakon/pravitelstvo_respubliki_k..   https://pochemu24.ru/live/pochemu-vysohlo-aralskoe-mo..  https://tengrinews.kz/zakon/pravitelstvo_respubliki_k..  https://tengrinews.kz/zakon/pravitelstvo_respubliki_k..



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