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ContentConcept of taxes.Tax system.Organization of levying the taxes.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Finance
Тheme 11.
“Taxes and organization of tax system ”
Aigul Shamilevna

Omarova, DBA

FinanceТheme 11. “Taxes and organization of tax system ”Aigul Shamilevna Omarova, DBA

Слайд 2Content
Concept of taxes.
Tax system.
Organization of levying the taxes.

ContentConcept of taxes.Tax system.Organization of levying the taxes.

Слайд 3 Taxes- are obligatory payments established by the state and

raised in the certain sizes and in established terms.

of taxes:
The principle of fairness (equity) in taxation.
Principle of simplicity.
Definiteness of the taxes.
Minimum of tax privileges.
An economic acceptability.
Comparability of tax rates on the basic kinds of the taxes with other countries- partners.
Taxes- are obligatory payments established by the state and raised in the certain sizes and in

Слайд 4Functions of taxes:
Fiscal functions- ensuring receipt of means in the

state budget.
The redistributive functions- consists of redistribution of a part

of the incomes of the various companies for the benefit of the state.
Regulating- arises with expansion of economic activity of the state.
Control functions.
Functions of taxes: Fiscal functions- ensuring receipt of means in the state budget.The redistributive functions- consists of

Слайд 52. Tax system
Tax system of the state- set of

kinds of the taxes raised in the state, forms and

methods of their construction, bodies of a tax service.
Taxes can be classified by different principles:
1. From object of taxation both mutual relation of the payer and state
2. On use
3. From a body imposing the tax
4. On an economic sign
2. Tax system  Tax system of the state- set of kinds of the taxes raised in

Слайд 61. From object of taxation both mutual relation of the

payer and state
1. The taxes are subdivided into: direct and

Direct taxes are established directly on the income or property (tax to profit, on property, ground).
The direct taxes are subdivided into: real and personal.
Real the property to external sign is taxed, that is at the taxation the object of the tax, instead of efficiency of its use is considered.
In the personal taxes not only income is taken into account, but also financial position of the payer, for example, the marital status.
The indirect taxes are levied indirectly- through the prices of the goods, services
(VAT, excises, custom duties).
1. From object of taxation both mutual relation of the payer and state 1. The taxes are

Слайд 72. On use
On use the taxes are subdivided into:

common and special.
The common taxes go to the state and

use they depersonalized.
The special taxes have strictly certain purpose.
2. On use  On use the taxes are subdivided into: common and special.The common taxes go

Слайд 83. From a body imposing the tax
Depending on a body

the taxes are subdivided into: central (nation-wide) and local taxes

3. From a body imposing the tax Depending on a body the taxes are subdivided into: central

Слайд 94.On an economic sign
To economic attributes of object the taxes

on incomes and taxes on consumption differ.

4.On an economic signTo economic attributes of object the taxes on incomes and taxes on consumption differ.

Слайд 10The ways of collection of taxes depending on ways of

the account and estimation of objects of taxation:
Under the declaration

of the tax bearer
At a source of reception of income
Under the patent
The ways of collection of taxes depending on ways of the account and estimation of objects of

Слайд 11Cadastral
The account and collection of the tax on the basis

of the inventory of objects of taxation with the instruction

of norm their profitableness (ground, property) without account of actual profitableness.
Cadastral The account and collection of the tax on the basis of the inventory of objects of

Слайд 12Under the declaration of the tax bearer
The tax bearer specifies

the size of income necessary privileges, deductions, estimates the sum

of the tax.
Under the declaration of the tax bearerThe tax bearer specifies the size of income necessary privileges, deductions,

Слайд 13At a source of reception of income
The tax is estimated

and paid on a place of reception of income by

accounting department of the where the payer works.
At a source of reception of income The tax is estimated and paid on a place of

Слайд 14Under the patent
The tax is paid for reception of incomes

from various kinds of activity, on which it is difficult

to define and to take into account their volumes.
Under the patent The tax is paid for reception of incomes from various kinds of activity, on

Слайд 15The tax system of RK- includes kinds of taxes, duties,

rules of law regulating tax relations and bodies of a

tax service.
The tax law of RK is based on the Code of RK “About taxes and other obligatory payments in the budget” (the Tax Code).
The tax system of RK- includes kinds of taxes, duties, rules of law regulating tax relations and

Слайд 163.Organization of levying the taxes
The organization of taxation is construction

and functioning of the tax mechanism.
The elements of the taxation

The subject (tax bearer) - is a physical or legal person to which the law assigns a duty to pay the tax.
Object of the taxation- income, property, kind of activity, which are the basis of taxation.
Carrier- physical persons, final tax bearers- citizens of the state.
3.Organization of levying the taxesThe organization of taxation is construction and functioning of the tax mechanism.The elements

Слайд 17Organization of levying the taxes
Source of tax- is the income,

from which the tax is paid.
Unit of taxation- unit

of measurements of taxable object established for the bill (1 tenge, 1 hectare, 1 meter).
Tax base- cost, physical or other characteristic of object of the taxation.
Tax rate- is a size of tax charges on a unit of measurements of tax base.
Tax period-period of time established with reference to the separate taxes and other payments.
Organization of levying the taxesSource of tax- is the income, from which the tax is paid. Unit

Слайд 18Organization of levying the taxes
Tax salary- sum of the tax

paid by the subject from one object.
Tax privileges- complete or

partial clearing of the taxes of the payers according to the legislation (free minimum, discounts).
Terms and order of payment
Control of payment of taxes
Sanctions for infringement of tax laws
Organization of levying the taxesTax salary- sum of the tax paid by the subject from one object.Tax

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