"People who gave their lives for Russia's interests should not be forgotten"
Vladimir Putin
"Exactly a century ago, Russia was forced to enter the First World war. And today we are opening a memorial to its heroes — Russian soldiers and officers. Open on Poklonnaya hill, which keeps a grateful memory of the military glory of the Russian army. About everyone who at different stages of the history of the Russian state defended its independence, dignity and freedom", Vladimir Putin- said.
Monument to the heroes of world war I in Moscow
About 300 spectators gathered at the opening of the monument . Anyone could put flowers at the foot of the monument, and by the end of the event the granite pedestal was covered with red carnations and white roses.
Shoulder to shoulder two soldiers — a Cossack and a Highlander in national costumes and in full service. On the pedestal the inscription "to the Glorious sons of the Fatherland, the Cossacks and the highlanders — the Heroes of the First World war 28.07.1914-11.11.1918". This sculptural group appeared on Alexander Boulevard in Krasnodar.
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