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Geographical position of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland

The full name of the country the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large

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Слайд 1Geographical position of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Nothern Ireland

Geographical position of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland

Слайд 2The full name of the country the United Kingdom of

Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom is situated

on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and a great number of small islands. Their total area is over 314 000 sq. km. Great Britain
The full name of the country the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The United

Слайд 3The British Islands are washed by the : the Atlantic

Ocean in the west, the North Sea in the east,

the English Channel in the south, the Arctic Ocean in the north.
The British Islands are washed by the : the Atlantic Ocean in the west, the North Sea

Слайд 4England
Northern Ireland

EnglandNorthern IrelandWalesScotland

Слайд 5England
Red rose is the emblem of England. The flag of

England is the red cross of St.George. National animal is

EnglandRed rose is the emblem of England. The flag of England is the red cross of St.George.

Слайд 6Scotland
The national symbol of Scotland is the thistle and a

white flag of St. Andrew. National animal is Unicorn

ScotlandThe national symbol of Scotland is the thistle and a white flag of St. Andrew. National animal

Слайд 7Wales
The national symbol of Wales is the leek and a

white and green flag of St. David. National animal is

red dragon
WalesThe national symbol of Wales is the leek and a white and green flag of St. David.

Слайд 8Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland has a shamrock symbol

Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland has a shamrock symbol

Слайд 9The territory of Great Britain can be divided into three

natural regions

The territory of Great Britain can be divided into three natural regionsHighlandsForestsMeadows

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