Разделы презентаций

Gerund or infinitive Debbie likes ( swim ). swimming


Gerund or infinitiveJanet wants __________ (buy) a new coat.to buy

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Gerund or infinitive
Debbie likes __________ (swim).

Gerund or infinitiveDebbie likes __________ (swim).swimming

Слайд 2Gerund or infinitive
Janet wants __________ (buy) a new coat.
to buy

Gerund or infinitiveJanet wants __________ (buy) a new coat.to buy

Слайд 3Gerund or infinitive
I’m quite sure they’ll decide _____(go) to England

to go

Gerund or infinitiveI’m quite sure they’ll decide _____(go) to England soon.to go

Слайд 4Gerund or infinitive
I absolutely love _________ (speak) English.

Gerund or infinitiveI absolutely love _________ (speak) English.speaking

Слайд 5Gerund or infinitive
I gave up _________ (smoke) some time ago.

Gerund or infinitiveI gave up _________ (smoke) some time ago.smoking

Слайд 6Gerund or infinitive
At the water distributor I stopped ________ (talk)

to Barbara.
to talk

Gerund or infinitiveAt the water distributor I stopped ________ (talk) to Barbara. to talk

Слайд 7Gerund or infinitive
I’d hate ________ (be) a nurse. I can’t

stand blood.
to be

Gerund or infinitiveI’d hate ________ (be) a nurse. I can’t stand blood.to be

Слайд 8Gerund or infinitive
I’m trying ________ (work).
Please stop __________ (talk)!
to work

Gerund or infinitiveI’m trying ________ (work).Please stop __________ (talk)!to worktalking

Слайд 9Gerund or infinitive
I’m tired. I want ________ (go) to bed.

Gerund or infinitiveI’m tired. I want ________ (go) to bed.to go

Слайд 10Gerund or infinitive
The buses usually stop _________ (run) before midnight.

Gerund or infinitiveThe buses usually stop _________ (run) before midnight.running

Слайд 11Gerund or infinitive
We must avoid _______ (be) late for the


Gerund or infinitiveWe must avoid _______ (be) late for the meeting. being

Слайд 12Gerund or infinitive
I’d like __________ (visit) Texas one of these

to visit

Gerund or infinitiveI’d like __________ (visit) Texas one of these days.to visit

Слайд 13Gerund or infinitive
Don’t forget __________ (send) me a postcard!
to send

Gerund or infinitiveDon’t forget __________ (send) me a postcard!to send

Слайд 14Gerund or infinitive
Goodbye. I hope _________ (see) you again soon.

Gerund or infinitiveGoodbye. I hope _________ (see) you again soon.to see

Слайд 15Gerund or infinitive
Sometimes a country refuses _______ (take) part in

the Olympics.
to take

Gerund or infinitiveSometimes a country refuses _______ (take) part in the Olympics.to take

Слайд 16Gerund or infinitive
I’ve agreed _________ (help) organize the trip.
to help

Gerund or infinitiveI’ve agreed _________ (help) organize the trip.to help

Слайд 17Gerund or infinitive
I really regret _________ (sell) my boat.

Gerund or infinitiveI really regret _________ (sell) my boat.selling

Слайд 18Gerund or infinitive
I’m taking the dog out. Would you like

________ (come)?
to come

Gerund or infinitiveI’m taking the dog out. Would you like ________ (come)?to come

Слайд 19Gerund or infinitive
I hear you’re preparing _________ (leave) the company.


Gerund or infinitiveI hear you’re preparing _________ (leave) the company.to leave

Слайд 20Gerund or infinitive
My decision proved _______ (be) the best thing

for everyone.
to be

Gerund or infinitiveMy decision proved _______ (be) the best thing for everyone.to be

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