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Global Economic Environment

The World Economy (an overview)a. Which historical event marks the emergence of global markets?b. What was the percentage of economic integration at the beginning of the 20th century and what is

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Слайд 1Global Economic Environment



Слайд 2The World Economy (an overview)
a. Which historical event marks the

emergence of global markets?
b. What was the percentage of economic

integration at the beginning of the 20th century and what is the precentage now?
c. Which product can be use as an example to show such market integration?
The World Economy (an overview)a. Which historical event marks the emergence of global markets?b. What was the

Слайд 3answers
a. World War II
b. before 10% , now 50%
c. cars

answersa. World War IIb. before 10% , now 50%c. cars

Слайд 4In the last 20 years the global market has change

shaping a number of new realites to be taken into

Capital movements replace trade as the driving force of economy
Production is uncoupled from employment
a. which economic activity in USA is a clear example of this disparity?
Countrys' economies are subordinate to global economy
b. What is the secret of the succes of Japanese and German companies?
Pure socialism prove to be inefficient as economic system
c. How socialist countries adapted to new global market conditions?
e-commerce has diminished the importance of national barriers
d. which two inventions made possible the informatic era?

In the last 20 years the global market has change shaping a number of new realites to

Слайд 5answers
a. Cereal farming
b. Leaders and policy makers focus on world

market and the competition in each country
c. by mix approach

with capitalism
d. PC's and the Internet

answersa. Cereal farmingb. Leaders and policy makers focus on world market and the competition in each countryc.

Слайд 6Economic systems
Traditional approach:
Based on resource allocation (market vs command) and

(Private vs State)
Market Capitalism
Centrally Planned Socialism
Centrally Planned Capitalism
Market Socialism

Economic systemsTraditional approach:Based on resource allocation (market vs command) andownership (Private vs State)Market CapitalismCentrally Planned SocialismCentrally Planned

Слайд 7Modern approach:
Based on a more descriptive criteria.
Type of Economy
Type of

Trade and Capital Flows
The commanding Heights
Services provided by the state

and funded through taxes

Modern approach:Based on a more descriptive criteria.Type of EconomyType of governmentTrade and Capital FlowsThe commanding HeightsServices provided

Слайд 8 Advanced Industry State
Emerging Economy
Type of Economy Transition economy
Developing Nation

Dictatorship (Tyrant)

of Government Autocratic one party system
Dominated by another state
Democracy with

multiparty system
Unstable terrorist nation

Advanced Industry State					Emerging Economy	Type of Economy		Transition economy					Developing Nation										Monarchy					Dictatorship (Tyrant)Type of Government 		Autocratic one party system					Dominated by

Слайд 9 Complete free trade
Incomplete free trade
Trade and capital flows Trading block

board or exchange control
There is no trade
Dominated by goverment

The commanding

heights Transportation
-Are they owned and operated by the state? Communication
-Mix of state and private ownership? Energy
-All private
-With or wothout controlled prices

Complete free trade					Incomplete free trade	Trade and capital flows		Trading block					Currency board or exchange control					There is no trade					Dominated

Слайд 10 -Pensions, health care and education provided
Services provided by the

state -Pensions and education and funded through taxes

(no health care)
-Privatized systems dominate

Institutions No corruption
Free press
Strong court

-Pensions, health care and education 				providedServices provided by the state	-Pensions and education 	   and

Слайд 11 Free markets with high risk/ high reward entrepreneurial dynamism
Free market

dominated by monopolies, cartels, and concentrated industries
Markets Socialized market with cooperation

between business, government and labor (little entrepreneurial support)
Planning includes price and wage control and it is dominated by the center
Free markets with high risk/ high reward 				entrepreneurial dynamism			Free market dominated by monopolies, cartels, and 		concentrated industriesMarkets		Socialized

Слайд 12Stages of Market Development
Low income countries: Gross Net Income per

capita less than $ 936
Lower middle income countries: GNI

per capita from $936 to $3705
Upper middle income countries: GNI per capita from $3706 to $11455
High income countries: GNI per capita over $11455

Stages of Market DevelopmentLow income countries: Gross Net Income per capita less than $ 936 Lower middle

Слайд 13Stages of Market Development
Low income countries: less than $ 936

-Little industrialization, high agriculture (peasants farming)
-Low literacy rates
-Reliance on foreign

-Political inestability / unrest
a. Why is Bangladesh genuine market opportunity?
b. Which measures were taken by india to promote market development?
c. Which are some of indias world class companies?
d. Which characteristic makes India a good place to sell products and services?

Stages of Market DevelopmentLow income countries: less than $ 936 -Little industrialization, high agriculture (peasants farming)-Low literacy

Слайд 14anwers:
a. There are low wages
Industry is promoted by the goverment

is favored by a trade agreement (MFA) -Mul-Fiber Arrangement-
It sells

in places others can't (like USA where chinese products are restricted)
b. Eliminating import license requirements
Reducing tariffs
Easing restrictions on Foreign Investment
Liberalizing the rupee

anwers:a. There are low wagesIndustry is promoted by the govermentIt is favored by a trade agreement (MFA)

Слайд 15c. Infosys
Mahindra and Mahindra
d. Huge population

c. InfosysMahindra and MahindraTataWiprod. Huge population

Слайд 16Lower middle income countries: GNI per capita from $936 to

-Rapid expansion
-Labor forces target foreign markets
(Russia, China)
a. What

is their competitive advantage?
b. Why is the Chinese market attrative for other countries?
c. How is China supporting its export led economic transformation?

Lower middle income countries: GNI per capita from $936 to $3705 -Rapid expansion-Labor forces target foreign markets(Russia,

Слайд 17answers
a. Mature, standirized labor intense industries such as toy makers

and textiles.
b. becouse of its vast size and market potential.

Infrastructure projects (airports, cargo ports, railroads, etc)
answersa. Mature, standirized labor intense industries such as toy makers and textiles.b. becouse of its vast size

Слайд 18Upper middle income countries: GNI per capita from $3706 to

AKA industrialized or developing countries.
-Low percentage of people involved in

- Increased degree of urbanization
- High literacy rates
- Wages growth
(Russia, Brazil)

Upper middle income countries: GNI per capita from $3706 to $11455AKA industrialized or developing countries.-Low percentage of

Слайд 19Exercise:
a. Name some advantageous characteristics of Brazil?
b. Which kind of

contrasting situations can be found in Brazilian economy?
c. Are there

any similar contrasts in China?
Exercise:a. Name some advantageous characteristics of Brazil?b. Which kind of contrasting situations can be found in Brazilian

Слайд 20Answers
a. is the largest in South America in terms of

economy, population, territory, and natural resources
b. while distribution services are

computarized, horse drawn carts are a common way to deliver goods.
c. your opinion
Answersa. is the largest in South America in terms of economy, population, territory, and natural resourcesb. while

Слайд 21Balance of Payments
Record of all economic transsactions between residents of

a country and the rest of the world.
It can be

measured by analysing the Current accounts, and the Capital Accounts
The current account: is a broad measure that includes:
-merchandise trade -Service trade and
-Some financial transfers (humanitarian aid)
A country with negative current account balance has trade deficit when the flow of money exceeds the inflow of money for sales exports. (it is buying more than it sells). On the other hand, positive current account balance translates in trade surplus.
Capital account: is a record of all long term direct ivestment, portafolio investment, and other short and long term capital flows.

Balance of PaymentsRecord of all economic transsactions between residents of a country and the rest of the

Слайд 22A country accumulates reserves when the net of current and

capital account transactions show surplus. In contrast, it gives up

reserves when the net shows a deficit.
a. Why USA shows a growing trade deficit?
-increased imports from china
-insatiable demand for imported products
-the cost of military operations in middle east
(USA balances the situation with a continuos and growing surplus on services)
A country accumulates reserves when the net of current and capital account transactions show surplus. In contrast,

Слайд 23Overview of International Finance
- spot market vs forward market
-central bank

role: buys and sells currency to influence exchange rates
-currency speculators

conversion issue for companies
Purchasing power parity
Economic exposure
Managing exchange rate exposure
Overview of International Finance- spot market vs forward market-central bank role: buys and sells currency to influence

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