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Government of Canada Transformation of Pay Administration Initiative

AgendaProvide an overview of the TPA InitiativePresent status update on system changes and service deliveryOutline funding and financial controlsOutline internal and external stakeholdersPresent key challengesShare lessons learned

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Слайд 1Government of Canada Transformation of Pay Administration Initiative
Presentation to Financial

Management Institute (FMI)

Presented By: Rosanna Di Paola, Acting Associate

Assistant Deputy Minister, Accounting, Banking and Compensation Branch
Public Works and Government Services Canada
September 25, 2014

Government of Canada Transformation of Pay Administration Initiative   Presentation to Financial Management Institute (FMI) Presented

Слайд 2Agenda
Provide an overview of the TPA Initiative

Present status update on

system changes and service delivery

Outline funding and financial controls

Outline internal

and external stakeholders

Present key challenges

Share lessons learned
AgendaProvide an overview of the TPA InitiativePresent status update on system changes and service deliveryOutline funding and

Слайд 3Government of Canada
: One of the largest payroll

in the country
Provides pay services for 300,000 + employees

Services over 100 departments and agencies

Encompasses more than 100 collective agreements

Carries out 9 million annual transactions ($20+ Billion)

Government of Canada: One of the largest payroll  administrators in the country Provides pay services for

Слайд 4Federal Pay System
Case for change:
Federal pay system is labour intensive.

At end of 40+ year-old lifecycle
Technology outdated and system

increasingly difficult to maintain
Processes fragmented, decentralized and cumbersome
Compensation expertise being lost due to high attrition rates
Employees/managers demanding more flexible services
Benchmarking against other public/private sector organizations

Federal Pay SystemCase for change:Federal pay system is labour intensive. At end of 40+ year-old lifecycle Technology

Слайд 5
Pay Modernization Project
Replace more than 40-year old pay system

with an available commercial off-the-shelf solution and business processes based

on industry-standard practices

Consolidation of Pay Services Project
Consolidating pay services from departments and agencies to the Public Service Pay Centre in Miramichi, New Brunswick

Prime Minister announced in August 2010 that the Government of Canada will transform its pay administration

Overall Strategic Outcome
Ensure the long-term sustainability of GC pay administration and services. When fully implemented, TPA Initiative will generate savings of up to $78.1M per year.

Transformation of Pay Administration (TPA) Initiative

Pay Modernization Project Replace more than 40-year old pay system with an available commercial off-the-shelf solution and

Слайд 6Aligned with Budget Direction
Budgets 2012 and 2013
“Federal organizations were

asked to look at the efficiency and effectiveness of their

programs and operations to ensure value for taxpayers’ money, as well as to rethink business processes and service delivery platforms.”

TPA Initiative aligned with direction from recent successive budgets

Contributes to responsible
expenditure management by:
Implementing a government-wide solution and consolidating services to standardize the way it does business

Contributes to streamlining
administrative functions by:
Implementing processes and a system that reduces costs in areas of service delivery and administrative systems

Economic Action Plan 2013
“… Ensure that the public service is modern, affordable and high-performing.”

Aligned with Budget DirectionBudgets 2012 and 2013 “Federal organizations were asked to look at the efficiency and

Слайд 7Design: End of Design completed in June

Build: Started as planned in Jul

Test: System testing began in Jun 2014
Transition: Transition activities began Jul 2014
Go-Live: 3 roll outs of new pay system in Jul, Oct, Dec 2015
Close-out: Feb 2016

Wave 2: First 2 stages completed. Stage 3 on
schedule, Stage 4 planning underway
Wave 3: Preparations underway for Stage 1
College: Negotiations underway
Ph-2 Study: Study and options analysis underway
Close-out: Dec 2015

Pay Consolidation

Pay Modernization

TPA Initiative: Status

Design:    End of Design completed in June 2014Build:     Started as

Слайд 8Source of funding:
Funding for TPA
Total Cost of TPA Initiative: $

309.5 million
Pay Modernization
Consolidation of Pay Services

from fiscal framework
Vote 5 capital based on a new asset for the Government of Canada

Mix of Vote transfers from participating departments and fiscal framework
Majority of funds are Vote 1 Operating Expenditures

$ 122.9 million

$ 186.6 million

Source of funding:Funding for TPATotal Cost of TPA Initiative: $ 309.5 million Pay Modernization Consolidation of Pay

Слайд 9Saving from Efficiencies

Saving from Efficiencies

Слайд 10Receiver General
Pay Centre
Department Control Framework

Receiver General Control Framework

Control Framework for


Financial Controls

Letters of Attestation
Service Level Agreement

Receiver GeneralDepartmentsPay CentrePhoenixDepartment Control FrameworkReceiver General Control FrameworkControl Framework for Pay Financial ControlsLetters of AttestationService Level Agreement

Слайд 11Stakeholders
Internal Stakeholders
External Stakeholders
100 + departments and agencies (Executive,

Technical, Operational)
Key client groups: employees, managers, compensation community, HR, Finance,

Key organizations: TBS, OCG, SSC, PWGSC
Key champions: Deputies, Heads of HR

Financial Institutions, Insurance Administrators
Academic Institutions
External Advisory Committee (EAC)
Media and Parliamentarians
Canadian Public

StakeholdersInternal Stakeholders External Stakeholders 100 + departments and agencies (Executive, Technical, Operational)Key client groups: employees, managers, compensation

Слайд 12Challenges
Challenges inherent in a transformative undertaking of this scale include:


initiative: Maintaining momentum over long haul, from 2009 to 2015.

Outcomes slowly realized rather than ‘big bang’
Containing costs for implementation: working with vendor to plan cost estimates during planning / managing cost variances during implementation
Complexity of business in federal context underestimated by vendors
Overcoming systemic challenges in government context
Horizontal government-wide initiative impacting all departments requires more change management/BT support than originally planned
Requirement to recruit skills and competencies to manage large transformational initiatives within public service
Consolidating national services in regional setting (N.B.)

ChallengesChallenges inherent in a transformative undertaking of this scale include:Multi-year initiative: Maintaining momentum over long haul, from

Слайд 13Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned

Слайд 14Lessons Learned (cont’d)

Lessons Learned (cont’d)

Слайд 15Lessons Learned (cont’d)

Lessons Learned (cont’d)

Слайд 16Questions and Discussion

Questions and Discussion

Слайд 17Extra Slides

Extra Slides

Слайд 18Mitigate pay administration risks
Compliant with GC requirements & aligned

with recognized industry standards (COSO)
Controls embedded in business process workflows

& operational procedures focused
financial, process and service controls
Delineation of responsibility & accountability for controls between departments & PWGSC

* Designed to ensure accuracy, completeness, integrity & timeliness of pay services

Quality Assurance program to monitor & report compliance
Continuous internal & scheduled third party reviews
Enterprise approach to maximize results
Annual letters of representation to provide assurance of control effectiveness
Professional Development Program prepares employees to operate in an environment where controls are part of the culture

Pay Centre Control Framework

Mitigate pay administration risks Compliant with GC requirements & aligned with recognized industry standards (COSO)Controls embedded in

Слайд 19Departments Need to Get Prepared!

Departments Need to Get Prepared!

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