Разделы презентаций

Greece is a country of great interests and diverse cultures, influenced by its

Greek Culture: Aspects of the culture in Greece Below we propose information about the main aspects of the Greek culture today: language, traditions, religion, food, music and more.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Greece is a country of great interests and diverse cultures,

influenced by its location, at the junction between the East

and the West and by the many occupations of the Greek people throughout history.

Greece culture

Greece is a country of great interests and diverse cultures, influenced by its location, at the junction

Слайд 2Greek Culture: Aspects of the culture in Greece
Below we propose

information about the main aspects of the Greek culture today:

language, traditions, religion, food, music and more.

Greek Culture: Aspects of the culture in Greece Below we propose information about the main aspects of

Слайд 3Language
Language constitutes one of the most important elements of

Greek culture. The modern Greek language is a descendant of

the Ancient Greek language and is affiliated to the part of the Greek or Hellenic branch of Indo-European.
Language Language constitutes one of the most important elements of Greek culture. The modern Greek language is

Слайд 4Cultural Events
Many cultural events take place in Greece all

year round. Particularly famous is the Athens Epidaurus Greek Festival,

with events in the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus, the Herodeion Theatre in Athens and other venues. 
Cultural Events Many cultural events take place in Greece all year round. Particularly famous is the Athens

Слайд 5Tira
Volcanic island in the Aegean

TiraVolcanic island in the Aegean

Слайд 6Athena capital of Greece

Athena capital of Greece

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