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Growing potatoes

Potatoes come from a plantWhere are the potatoes?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Growing potatoes

Growing potatoes

Слайд 2Potatoes come from a plant
Where are the potatoes?

Potatoes come from a plantWhere are the potatoes?

Слайд 3Potatoes are tubers
Here are the tubers.

Potatoes are tubersHere are the tubers.

Слайд 4Different parts of a potato plant

Different parts of a potato plantleavesstemtubersroots

Слайд 5Let’s find out how potatoes grow!

Let’s find out how potatoes grow!

Слайд 6Preparing the ground
This is a destoner. It is removing stones

from the soil so the potatoes have more room to

This also stops the harvester collecting stones when it collects the potatoes later on.
As the destoner does its job, it makes long tunnels of soil. These are called beds.
Preparing the groundThis is a destoner. It is removing stones from the soil so the potatoes have

Слайд 7Chitting
These are potatoes (tubers). They are left to sprout before they

are planted.
This is called chitting, and it helps the

tubers grow faster and produce a bigger crop.
If they are not left to sprout they will grow slowly when they are planted.
ChittingThese are potatoes (tubers). They are left to sprout before they are planted. This is called chitting,

Слайд 8Planting
Potatoes are usually planted in April into warm, loose soil.

The planter moves along the beds planting the potatoes in

PlantingPotatoes are usually planted in April into warm, loose soil. The planter moves along the beds planting

Слайд 9Growing
Here are the potato plants.
As they grow, the soil

is ‘earthed up’. This means it is pulled up around them

– a bit like a blanket.
This protects them against frost and weeds and stops the potatoes going green.
GrowingHere are the potato plants. As they grow, the soil is ‘earthed up’. This means it is

Слайд 10Flowering
The potatoes plants have a small white or pink flower.

They also grow a small green tomato-like fruit that is

poisonous to eat.
FloweringThe potatoes plants have a small white or pink flower. They also grow a small green tomato-like

Слайд 11Under the soil
By the middle of July, the first potatoes

are ready to be harvested.
They are called the first

earlies. In August the second earlies are harvested.
Earlies are small potatoes often called ‘new’ potatoes.
The main crop are ready in September.
Under the soilBy the middle of July, the first potatoes are ready to be harvested. They are

Слайд 12Potato plant
Can you remember what all the parts of the

potato plant are called?

Potato plantCan you remember what all the parts of the potato plant are called?

Слайд 13Harvesting
Here is the a harvesting machine. It lifts and

separates the potatoes from the soil.
Some of the harvested

potatoes will be eaten straight away but some will be stored and eaten later in the year.

Harvesting Here is the a harvesting machine. It lifts and separates the potatoes from the soil. Some

Слайд 14Potatoes


Слайд 15For further information, go to:

For further information, go to:www.foodafactoflife.org.uk

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