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Handling translator’s false friends


Handling translator’s false friendsGive your examples of international words

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Handling translator’s false friends
International words are words in the

source and target languages which are more or less similar

in form.
The formal similarity is usually the result of the two words having the common origin, mainly derived from either Greek or Latin eg. Parliament, theorem, diameter, etc.

Handling translator’s false friends International words are words in the source and target languages which are more

Слайд 2Handling translator’s false friends
Give your examples of international words

Handling translator’s false friendsGive your examples of international words

Слайд 3Handling translator’s false friends
Words that are similar in form but

different in meaning are called pseudointernational
or translator’s false friends

Handling translator’s false friendsWords that are similar in form but different in meaning are called pseudointernational or

Слайд 4Pseudointernational words
Are classified into 2 main groups:
Words which are similar

in form but completely different in meaning, eg.
It lasted the

whole decade.
She has a very fine complexion.
Well, he must be a lunatic.
Pseudointernational wordsAre classified into 2 main groups:Words which are similar in form but completely different in meaning,

Слайд 5Handling translator’s false friends
2) There are many pseudointernational words which

are not fully interchangeable though there are some common elements

in their semantics.
Handling translator’s false friends2) There are many pseudointernational words which are not fully interchangeable though there are

Слайд 6Handling translator’s false friends
The translator should bear in mind that

a number of factors can preclude the possibility of using

the formally similar word as an equivalent:
Handling translator’s false friendsThe translator should bear in mind that a number of factors can preclude the

Слайд 71) Semantic factor
The semantic factor resulting from the different subsequent

development of the words borrowed by the two languages from

the same source, eg.
Idiom – 1. идиом,
2. диалект (наречие),
3. стиль.
1) Semantic factorThe semantic factor resulting from the different subsequent development of the words borrowed by the

Слайд 8South Vietnam was a vast laboratory for the testing of

weapons for counter-guerrilla warfare.

South Vietnam was a vast laboratory for the testing of weapons for counter-guerrilla warfare.

Слайд 92) The stylistic factor resulting from the difference in the

emotive or stylistic connotation of the correlated words, eg.
Davy took

on Faraday as his assistant and thereby opened a scientific career for him.

2) The stylistic factor resulting from the difference in the emotive or stylistic connotation of the correlated

Слайд 103) The co-occurrence factor reflecting the difference in the lexical

combinability rules in the two languages. The choice of an

equivalent is often influenced by the usage preferring a standard combination of words to the formally similar substitute.
3) The co-occurrence factor reflecting the difference in the lexical combinability rules in the two languages. The

Слайд 11So, a “defect” has a formal counterpart counterpart as «дефект»

but “theoretical and organizational defects” will be rather “подсчеты/есептеулер“.
A “gesture”

may be rendered in another way: The reason for including only minor gestures of reforms in the program…
(жалкое подобие реформ)
So, a “defect” has a formal counterpart counterpart as «дефект» but “theoretical and organizational defects” will be

Слайд 124) The pragmatic factor reflecting the difference in the background

knowledge of the members of the two language communities which

makes the translator reject the formal equivalent in favor of the more explicit or familiar variant.
4) The pragmatic factor reflecting the difference in the background knowledge of the members of the two

Слайд 13The American Revolution was a close parallel to the wars

of national liberation in the colonial and semi-colonial countries.
The counter-revolutionary

organization was set up to suppress the Negro-poor white alliance that sought to bring democracy in the South in the Reconstruction period.
The American Revolution was a close parallel to the wars of national liberation in the colonial and

Слайд 14The senator knew Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation by heart.

The senator knew Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation by heart.

there is a considerable dissimilarity

in the semantic structure of attributive groups in English and

in Russian. This dissimilarity gives rise to a number of translation problems.
COLLOCATIONAL ASPECTS OF TRANSLATION ATTRIBUTIVE GROUPS there is a considerable dissimilarity in the semantic structure of attributive

Слайд 16The first group of problems stems from the broader semantic

relationships between the attribute and the noun.

the attribute may

refer not only to some property of the object but also to its location, purpose, cause, etc.
The first group of problems stems from the broader semantic relationships between the attribute and the noun.

Слайд 17As a result, the translator has to make a thorough

analysis of the context to find out what the meaning

of the group is in each particular case.

He must be also aware of the relative freedom of bringing together such semantic elements within the attributive group in English that are distanced from each other by a number of intermediate ideas.

As a result, the translator has to make a thorough analysis of the context to find out

Слайд 18Thus a resolution submitted by an executive body of an

organization may be described as "the Executive resolution" and the

majority of votes received by such a resolution will be «the Executive majority».
Thus a resolution submitted by an executive body of an organization may be described as

Слайд 19If a word-for-word translation of the name of the executive

body (e.g. the «Executive Committee» — исполнительный комитет) may satisfy

the translator, the other two attributive groups will have to be explicated in the Russian translation as (try to guess)

If a word-for-word translation of the name of the executive body (e.g. the «Executive Committee» — исполнительный

Слайд 20«резолюция, предложенная исполкомом» and
«большинство голосов, поданных за резолюцию, которая

была предложена исполкомом»

«резолюция, предложенная исполкомом» and «большинство голосов, поданных за резолюцию, которая была предложена исполкомом»

Слайд 21The second group of problems results from the difficulties in

handling multi-member attributive structures. The English-speaking people make wide use

of "multi-storied" structures with complicated internal semantic relationships.
The second group of problems results from the difficulties in handling multi-member attributive structures. The English-speaking people

Слайд 22The tax paid for the right to take part in

the election is described as "the poll tax".
The states

where this tax is collected are "the poll tax states"
and the governors of these states are "the poll tax states governors".
Now these governors may hold a conference which will be referred to as 'the poll tax states governors conference" and so on.

The tax paid for the right to take part in the election is described as

Слайд 23The semantic relationships within a multi-member group need not be

linear. Consider the following sentence:
“It was the period of the

broad western hemisphere and world pre-war united people's front struggle against fascism” (analyze the structure of the attr group)
The semantic relationships within a multi-member group need not be linear. Consider the following sentence:“It was the

Слайд 24Это был период широкой предвоенной борьбы против фашизма за единый

народный фронт в Западном полушарии и во всем мире.

Это был период широкой предвоенной борьбы против фашизма за единый народный фронт в Западном полушарии и во

Слайд 25The same goes for attributive groups with latent predication where

whole sentence is used to qualify a noun as

its attribute "He was being the boss again, using the its-my-money-now-do-as-you're-told voice".
The same goes for attributive groups with latent predication where a whole sentence is used to qualify

Слайд 26Here correspondences can also be described in an indirect way

only by stating that the attribute is usually translated into

Russian|Kazakh as a separate sentence and that this sentence should be joined to the noun by a short introductory element. Cf.:

Here correspondences can also be described in an indirect way only by stating that the attribute is

Слайд 27The Judge's face wore his own I-knew-they-were-guilty-all-along expression.

The Judge's face wore his own I-knew-they-were-guilty-all-along expression.

Слайд 28На лице судьи появилось обычное выражение, говорившее: «Я все время

знал, что они виновны».

На лице судьи появилось обычное выражение, говорившее: «Я все время знал, что они виновны».

Слайд 29There was a man with a don't-say-anything-to-me-or-I'll-contradict-you face. (Ch. Dickens)

There was a man with a don't-say-anything-to-me-or-I'll-contradict-you face. (Ch. Dickens)

Слайд 30Там был человек, на лице которого было написано: что бы

вы мне ни говорили, я все равно буду вам противоречить.

Там был человек, на лице которого было написано: что бы вы мне ни говорили, я все равно

Слайд 313) An attributive group may be transformed into a similar

group with the help of a suffix which is formally

attached to the noun but is semantically related to the whole group. Thus "a sound sleeper" may be derived from "sound sleep" or the man belonging to the "Fifth column" may be described as "the Fifth columnist".
3) An attributive group may be transformed into a similar group with the help of a suffix

Слайд 32As a rule, in the Russian translation the meanings of

the original group and of the suffix would be rendered

separately, e.g.: человек, обладающий здоровым (крепким) сном (крепко спящий человек), and человек, принадлежащий к пятой колонне (член пятой колонны).

As a rule, in the Russian translation the meanings of the original group and of the suffix

Слайд 334) As often as not, translating the meaning of an

English attributive group into Russian may involve a complete restructuring

of the sentence, e.g.:
To watch it happen, all within two and a half hours, was a thrilling sight.
Нельзя было не восхищаться, наблюдая, как все это происходило на протяжении каких-нибудь двух с половиной часов.
4) As often as not, translating the meaning of an English attributive group into Russian may involve

Слайд 34Translate the following attributive groups
1. hearty eater;
2. practical joker;

3. conscientious objector;
4. sleeping partner;
5. stumbling block;

smoking concert; 
Translate the following attributive groups1. hearty eater; 2. practical joker; 3. conscientious objector; 4. sleeping partner; 5.

Слайд 35Translate the following attributive groups

Translate the following attributive groups

Phraseological units are figurative set expressions often

described as "idioms". 

HANDLING PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS Phraseological units are figurative set expressions often described as

Слайд 37Five aspects of idioms’ meaning that will influence the translator's

choice of an equivalent in the target language
1. the

idiom's figurative meaning,
2. its literal sense,
3. its emotive character,
4. stylistic register,
5. national colouring.
Five aspects of idioms’ meaning that will influence the translator's choice of an equivalent in the target

Слайд 38The figurative meaning is the basic element of the idiom's

"red tape" means bureaucracy,
"to kick the bucket" -

to die,
"to wash dirty linen in public" - to disclose one's family troubles to outsiders.
The figurative meaning is the basic element of the idiom's semantics:

Слайд 39The figurative meaning is inferred from the literal sense.

tape", "to kick the bucket", and "to wash dirty linen

in public" also refer, respectively, to a coloured tape, an upset pail and a kind of laundering, though in most cases this aspect is subordinate and serves as a basis for the metaphorical use.

The figurative meaning is inferred from the literal sense.

Слайд 41idioms
"to kill two birds with
one stone"
"Rome was not

in a day"
“to find a mare's nest"


Слайд 42Phraseological units
(to show one's
true colours)
(to be

a pain in
the neck)

Phraseological unitsBookish (to show one's true colours) Colloquial (to be a pain in the neck)

Слайд 43Besides, an idiom can be nationally coloured, that is include

some words which mark it as the product of a

certain nation.
For instance, "to set the Thames on fire" and
"to carry coals to Newcastle"
are unmistakably British.
Besides, an idiom can be nationally coloured, that is include some words which mark it as the

Слайд 45 Factors which complicate the task of adequate identification,

understanding and translation of idioms:
- First, an idiom can be

mistaken for a free word combination, especially if its literal sense is not "exotic" (to have butterflies in one's stomach) but rather trivial (to measure one's length, to let one's hair down)
Factors which complicate the task of adequate identification, understanding and translation of idioms:- First, an

Слайд 46Second, a SL idiom may be identical in form to

a TL idiom but have a different figurative meaning. Thus,

the English "to lead smb. by the nose" implies a total domination of one person by the other (cf. the Russian «водить за нос») and"to stretch one's legs" means to take a stroll (cf. the Russian «протянуть ноги»)
Second, a SL idiom may be identical in form to a TL idiom but have a different

Слайд 47Third, a SL idiom can be wrongly interpreted due to

its association with a similar, if not identical TL unit.

For instance, "to pull the devil by the tail", that is to be in trouble, may be misunderstood by the translator under the influence of the Russian idioms «держать бога за бороду» or «поймать за хвост жар-птицу»
Third, a SL idiom can be wrongly interpreted due to its association with a similar, if not

Слайд 48Fourth, a wrong interpretation of a SL idiom may be

caused by another SL idiom similar in form and different

in meaning. Cf. "to make good time" and "to have a good time"
Fourth, a wrong interpretation of a SL idiom may be caused by another SL idiom similar in

Слайд 49Fifth, a SL idiom may have a broader range of

application than its TL counterpart apparently identical in form and

For instance, the English "to get out of hand" is equivalent to the Russian«Oтбиться от рук» and the latter is often used to translate it:
Fifth, a SL idiom may have a broader range of application than its TL counterpart apparently identical

Слайд 50The children got out of hand while their parents were

away. В отсутствии родителей дети совсем отбились от рук.
But the

English idiom can be used whenever somebody or something gets out of control while the Russian idiom has a more restricted usage:
What caused the meeting to get out of hand? Почему собрание прошло так неорганизованно?
The children got out of hand while their parents were away. В отсутствии родителей дети совсем отбились

Слайд 51There are four typical methods to handle a SL idiom

in the translating:
First, the translator can make use of

a TL idiom which is identical to the SL idiom in all five aspects of its semantics, e.g. "to pull chestnuts out of the fire for smb." — таскать каштаны из огня для кого-либо.
There are four typical methods to handle a SL idiom in the translating: First, the translator can

Слайд 52Second, the SL idiom can be translated by a TL

idiom which has the same figurative meaning, preserves the same

emotive and stylistic characteristics but is based on a different image, that is, has a different literal meaning, e.g. "make hay while the sun shines" 
Second, the SL idiom can be translated by a TL idiom which has the same figurative meaning,

Слайд 53Third, the SL idiom can be translated by reproducing its

form word-for-word in TL, e.g.
"People who live in glass

houses should not throw stones." - Люди, живущие в стеклянных домах, не должны бросать камни.
Third, the SL idiom can be translated by reproducing its form word-for-word in TL, e.g.

Слайд 54Fourth, instead of translating the SL idiom, the translator may

try to explicate its figurative meaning, so as to preserve

at least the main element of its semantics
Fourth, instead of translating the SL idiom, the translator may try to explicate its figurative meaning, so


Grammaticality is

an important feature of speech units. Grammatical forms and structures,

however, do not only provide for the correct arrangement of words in the text, they also convey some information which is part of its total contents.
GRAMMATICAL ASPECTS OF TRANSLATIONHANDLING EQUIVALENT FORMS AND STRUCTURES Grammaticality is an important feature of speech units. Grammatical

Слайд 56They reveal the semantic relationships between the words, clauses and

sentences in the text,
they can make prominent some .part

of the contents that is of particular significance for the communicants.

They reveal the semantic relationships between the words, clauses and sentences in the text, they can make

Слайд 57The syntactic structuring of the text is an important characteristics

identifying either the genre of the text or its author's


The syntactic structuring of the text is an important characteristics identifying either the genre of the text

Слайд 58In many cases, however, equivalence in translation can be best

achieved if the translator does not try to mirror the

grammatical forms in the source text.
There are no permanent grammatical equivalents and the translator can choose between the parallel forms and various grammatical transformations. He may opt for the latter for there is never an absolute identity between the meaning and usage of the parallel forms in SL and TL. 
In many cases, however, equivalence in translation can be best achieved if the translator does not try

Слайд 59For instance, both English and Russian verbs have their infinitive

forms. The analogy, however, does not preclude a number of

formal and functional differences.
For instance, both English and Russian verbs have their infinitive forms. The analogy, however, does not preclude

Слайд 60

We may recall that the English infinitive has perfect forms,

both active and passive, indefinite and continuous, which are absent

in the respective grammatical category in Russian.

We may recall that the English infinitive has perfect forms, both active and passive, indefinite and continuous,

Слайд 61The idea of priority or non-performed action expressed by the

Perfect Infinitive is not present in the meaning of the

Russian Infinitive and has to be rendered in translation by some other means.
The idea of priority or non-performed action expressed by the Perfect Infinitive is not present in the

Слайд 62 Cf. 'The train seems to arrive at 5." -

Поезд, видимо, приходит в 5. and 'The train seems to

have arrived at 5." - Поезд, видимо, пришел в 5.

Cf. 'The train seems to arrive at 5.

Слайд 63A dissimilarity of the English and Russian Infinitives can be

also found in the functions they perform in the sentence.

Note should be taken, for example, of the Continuative Infinitive which in English denotes an action following that indicated by the Predicate:
A dissimilarity of the English and Russian Infinitives can be also found in the functions they perform

Слайд 64Parliament was dissolved, not to meet again for eleven years. 

Parliament was dissolved, not to meet again for eleven years. 

Слайд 65Не came home to find his wife gone.

Не came home to find his wife gone.

Слайд 66Парламент был распущен и не созывался в течение 11 лет.

Он вернулся домой и обнаружил, что жена ушла.

Парламент был распущен и не созывался в течение 11 лет. Он вернулся домой и обнаружил, что жена

Слайд 67A similar difference can be observed if one compares the

finite forms of the verb in English and in Russian.

The English and the Russian verbs both have active and passive forms, but in English the passive forms are more numerous and are more often used. As a result, the meaning of the passive verb in the source text is often rendered by an active verb in the translation:
A similar difference can be observed if one compares the finite forms of the verb in English

Слайд 68This port can be entered by big ships only during

the tide. 

This port can be entered by big ships only during the tide. 

Слайд 69A most common example of dissimilarity between the parallel syntactic

devices in the two languages is the role of the

word order in English and in Russian. Both languages use a "direct" and an "inverted" word order. But the English word order obeys, in most cases, the established rule of sequence: the predicate is preceded by the subject and followed by the object.
A most common example of dissimilarity between the parallel syntactic devices in the two languages is the

Слайд 70This order of words is often changed in the Russian

translation since in Russian the word order is used to

show the communicative load of different parts of the sentence, the elements conveying new information (the rheme) leaning towards the end of non-emphatic sentences.
This order of words is often changed in the Russian translation since in Russian the word order

Слайд 71Thus if the English sentence "My son entered the room"

is intended to inform us who entered the room, its

Russian equivalent will be «В комнату вошел мой сын» but in case its purpose is to tell us what my son did, the word order will be preserved: «Мой сын вошел в комнату».

Thus if the English sentence

Слайд 72The predominantly fixed word order in the English sentence means

that each case of its inversion (placing the object before

the subject-predicate sequence) makes the object carry a great communicative load. This emphasis cannot be reproduced in translation by such a common device as the inverted word order in the Russian sentence and the translator has to use some additional words to express the same idea:
Money he had none.
Денег у него не было ни гроша.
The predominantly fixed word order in the English sentence means that each case of its inversion (placing

Слайд 73I. Translate the following sentences with the special attention to

the choice of Russian equivalents to render the meaning of

the English infinitives.
1. The people of Roumania lived in a poverty difficult to imagine. 2. The Security Council is given the power to decide when a threat to peace exists without waiting for the war to break out. 3. The general was a good man to keep away from. 4. This is a nice place to live in. 5. He stopped the car for me to buy some cigarettes. 6. Jack London was the best short-story writer in his country to arise after Edgar Рое.
I. Translate the following sentences with the special attention to the choice of Russian equivalents to render

Слайд 74П. Note the way the meaning of the English passive

forms is rendered in your translation of the following sentences.

The Prime-Minister was forced to admit in the House of Commons that Britain had rejected the Argentine offer to negotiate the Folklands' crisis. 2. The amendment was rejected by the majority of the Security Council. 3. He rose to speak and was warmly greeted by the audience. 4. The treaty is reported to have been ratified by all participants. 
П. Note the way the meaning of the English passive forms is rendered in your translation of

A lack of equivalence in

the English and Russian systems of parts of speech can

be exemplified by the article which is part of the English grammar and is absent in Russian||Kazakh.

HANDLING EQUIVALENT-LACKING FORMS AND STRUCTURES A lack of equivalence in the English and Russian systems of parts

Слайд 76As a rule, English articles are not translated into Russian

for their meaning is expressed by various contextual elements and

needn't be reproduced separately.
But in some cases there is a need to translate the meaning of the English article.
As a rule, English articles are not translated into Russian for their meaning is expressed by various

Слайд 77Consider the following linguistic statement: 'To put it in terms

of linguistics: a sentence is a concrete fact, the result

of an actual act of speech. The sentence is an abstraction. So a sentence is always a unit of speech; the sentence of a definite language is an element of that language."
Consider the following linguistic statement: 'To put it in terms of linguistics: a sentence is a concrete

Слайд 78It is obvious that an entity cannot be both a

concrete fact and an abstraction. The difference between "a sentence"

(любое отдельное предложение) and 'the sentence" (предложение как понятие, тип предложения) should be definitely revealed in the Russian translation as well.

It is obvious that an entity cannot be both a concrete fact and an abstraction. The difference

Слайд 79Even if some grammatical category is present both in SL

and in TL, its subcategories may not be the same

and, hence, equivalent-lacking.
Both the English and the Russian verb have their aspect forms but there are no equivalent relationships between them. Generally speaking, the Continuous forms correspond to the Russian imperfective aspect, while the Perfect forms are often equivalent to the perfective aspect.
Even if some grammatical category is present both in SL and in TL, its subcategories may not

Слайд 80However, there are many dissimilarities. Much depends on the verb

semantics. The Present Perfect forms of non-terminative verbs, for instance,

usually correspond to the Russian imperfeclive verbs in the present tense:

However, there are many dissimilarities. Much depends on the verb semantics. The Present Perfect forms of non-terminative

Слайд 81I have lived in Moscow since 1940. 102
Я живу в

Москве с 1940 г.

I have lived in Moscow since 1940. 102 Я живу в Москве с 1940 г.

Слайд 82The Past Indefinite forms may correspond either to the perfective

or to the imperfective Russian forms and the choice is

largely prompted by the context. Cf.:
The Past Indefinite forms may correspond either to the perfective or to the imperfective Russian forms and

Слайд 83After supper he usually smoked in the garden. После ужина он

обычно курил в саду.

After supper he usually smoked in the garden. После ужина он обычно курил в саду.

Слайд 84After supper he smoked a cigarette in the garden and

went to bed. После ужина он выкурил в саду сигарету и

пошел спать.

After supper he smoked a cigarette in the garden and went to bed. После ужина он выкурил

Слайд 85The Past Pefect forms may also be indifferent to these

aspective nuances, referring to an action prior to some other

action or a past moment. Cf.:
The Past Pefect forms may also be indifferent to these aspective nuances, referring to an action prior

Слайд 86I hoped he had read that book. (а) Я надеялся, что

он читал эту книгу,
(б) Я надеялся, что он (уже)

прочитал эту книгу.

I hoped he had read that book. (а) Я надеялся, что он читал эту книгу, (б) Я

Слайд 87A special study should be made of the translation problems

involved in handling the Absolute Participle constructions. To begin with,

an Absolute construction must be correctly identified by the translator.
The identification problem is particularly complicated in the case of the "with"-structures which may coincide in form with the simple prepositional groups.
A special study should be made of the translation problems involved in handling the Absolute Participle constructions.

Слайд 88The phrase "How can you play with your brother lying

sick in bed" can be understood in two different ways:

as an Absolute construction and then its Russian equivalent will be «Как тебе не стыдно играть, когда твой брат лежит больной (в постели)» or as a prepositional group which should be translated as «Как тебе не стыдно играть с твоим больным братом».

The phrase

Слайд 89Specific translation problems emerge when the translator has to handle

a syntactical complex with a causative meaning introduced by the

verb 'to have" or "to get", such as: "I shall have him do it" or "I shall have him punished". First, the translator has to decide what Russian causative verb should be used as a substitute for the English "have" or "get".
Specific translation problems emerge when the translator has to handle a syntactical complex with a causative meaning

Слайд 90Depending on the respective status of the persons involved, the

phrase "I shall have him do it" may be rendered

into Russian as «Я заставлю его (прикажу ему, велю ему, попрошу его и т.п.) сделать это» or even «Я добьюсь (позабочусь о том, устрою так и т.п.), чтобы он это сделал».

Depending on the respective status of the persons involved, the phrase

Слайд 91Second, the translator must be aware that such complexes are

polysemantic and may be either causative or non-causative. The phrase

'The general had his horse killed" may refer to two different situations.
Second, the translator must be aware that such complexes are polysemantic and may be either causative or

Слайд 92Either the horse was killed by the general's order (Генерал

приказал убить свою лошадь) or he was killed in combat

and the general was not the initiator of the act but the sufferer (Под ним убили лошадь). An error in the translator's judgement will result in a distorted translation variant.

Either the horse was killed by the general's order (Генерал приказал убить свою лошадь) or he was

Слайд 93Many equivalent-lacking structures result from a non-causative verb used in

the typical causative complex. Preserving its basic meaning the verb

acquires an additional causative sense. Cf.:
They laughed merrily.
Они весело смеялись.
They laughed him out of the room.
Они так смеялись над ним, что он убежал из комнаты.
Many equivalent-lacking structures result from a non-causative verb used in the typical causative complex. Preserving its basic

Слайд 94In such cases the translator has to choose among different

ways of expressing causative relationships in TL. Cf.:
The US Administration

wanted to frighten the people into accepting the militarization of the country.
In such cases the translator has to choose among different ways of expressing causative relationships in TL.

Слайд 95Администрация США стремилась запугать народ, чтобы заставить его согласиться на

милитаризацию страны. Не talked me into joining him. Он уговорил

меня присоединиться к нему.
It should be noted that such English structures are usually formed with the prepositions "into" and "out of as in the above examples
Администрация США стремилась запугать народ, чтобы заставить его согласиться на милитаризацию страны. Не talked me into joining



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