Разделы презентаций


More family time spent on homeschoolinga more direct role on your child’s daily learning the satisfactionstronger relationshipsplan school-time and activitiesless time for yourselfmore stress and fatigue

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Homeschooling
Pros and cons

HomeschoolingPros and cons

Слайд 2More family time spent on homeschooling
a more direct role on

your child’s daily learning
the satisfaction
stronger relationships
plan school-time and activities

time for yourself
more stress and fatigue
More family time spent on homeschoolinga more direct role on your child’s daily learning the satisfactionstronger relationshipsplan

Слайд 3More money dedicated to education in homeschooling
vacation as a part

of homeschool curriculum
reduce costs
a loss of income or reduced time

More money dedicated to education in homeschoolingvacation as a part of homeschool curriculumreduce costsa loss of income

Слайд 4Team sports options change for homeschoolers
your children can still participate

in recreational leagues, amateur leagues, attend local homeschool sports classes,

or create their own sports leagues.

most school districts do not allow homeschoolers to participate in public school sports teams

Team sports options change for homeschoolersyour children can still participate in recreational leagues, amateur leagues, attend local

Слайд 5 Different path for your child’s socialization
less ridicule and social

no bullying
greater exposure to more adults
connection to other homeschoolers
real-life skill


a smaller circle of friends
less daily interaction with large groups of kids within the same age group

Different path for your child’s socializationless ridicule and social pressuresno bullyinggreater exposure to more adultsconnection to

Слайд 6More educational freedom and flexibility in homeschooling
moving more quickly through

assignments and subjects they understand; spend more time on topics

that are challenging
better results on standardized tests
no homework
ability to pursue child’s interests, and have more personalized learning

fewer resources
parents must teach a broad range of subjects
less structure

More educational freedom and flexibility in homeschoolingmoving more quickly through assignments and subjects they understand; spend more

Слайд 7Recognition for achievement is limited to homeschool
less distraction from students

greater pride in own achievements
less outside family recognition of good

fewer award ceremonies
Recognition for achievement is limited to homeschoolless distraction from studentsa greater pride in own achievementsless outside family

Слайд 8More time for community involvement
less distraction from students
a greater pride

in their own achievements

more time to be involved in the

loses of some social interaction with peers
More time for community involvementless distraction from studentsa greater pride in their own achievementsmore time to be

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