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How Tax Cuts Stimulate the Economy

Two positions reducing taxes improves the economy by boosting spendingtax cuts only help the rich

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Слайд 1How Tax Cuts Stimulate the Economy
Performed: Suleimanova a.F



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How Tax Cuts Stimulate the EconomyPerformed: Suleimanova a.F

Слайд 2Two positions
reducing taxes improves the economy by boosting spending
tax cuts

only help the rich

Two positions reducing taxes improves the economy by boosting spendingtax cuts only help the rich

Слайд 3
The federal tax system relies on a number of different

types of taxes
The largest sources of funds is the individual

income tax and profit tax

The significant positive impact on economy have individual income tax cut

The federal tax system relies on a number of different types of taxesThe largest sources of

Слайд 4Income Tax Cuts
boost demand by putting more money into

consumers' pockets
creates jobs because businesses start to ramp up production

to meet higher demand.

But across-the-board income tax cuts aren’t very cost effective. They create 4 jobs

Income Tax Cuts  boost demand by putting more money into consumers' pocketscreates jobs because businesses start

Слайд 5Tax cuts for the middle class and poor
Lower income

families are more likely to spend the tax cuts.
They pump

the money directly into local shops, who hire more workers to meet the increased demand.

providing tax credits for the households with low and middle incomes created 7 jobs for every $1 million in lost tax revenue.

Tax cuts for the middle class and poor  Lower income families are more likely to spend

Слайд 6Tax cuts for the rich
Higher-income families are more likely to

save their tax cut than spend it
Its tax cut create

4 jobs for every $1 million in cuts.
Tax cuts for the rich Higher-income families are more likely to save their tax cut than spend

Слайд 7Real example
Real example is The Bush tax cuts to stop

the 2001 recession. These tax cuts boosted the economy in

the short-term. The percentage of government revenue to GDP decreased, the total revenues increased because GDP increased.

Real example Real example is The Bush tax cuts to stop the 2001 recession. These tax cuts

Слайд 8Questions:
1. What positions are regarding a tax cut?

2. What

tax cut have significant positive impact on economy ?


What influence have tax cuts for the middle class and poor?

Questions: 1. What positions are regarding a tax cut? 2. What tax cut have significant positive impact

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