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How to Choose a Career Path ?

Four Ways to Decide career for you5 Fun Career PathsQuestions

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Слайд 1How to Choose a Career Path?
The best way to predict

the future is to create it
Abraham Lincoln

How to Choose a Career Path?The best way to predict the future is to create itAbraham Lincoln

Слайд 2Four Ways to Decide career for you

5 Fun Career Paths


Four Ways to Decide career for you5 Fun Career PathsQuestions

Слайд 3Four Ways to Decide What career Is Right for you


Know Yourself
2- Explore Career Fields
3- Learn Universal Knowledge and Skills.

Turning Hobbies into Career
Four Ways to Decide What career Is Right for you1- Know Yourself2- Explore Career Fields3- Learn Universal

Слайд 4Know Yourself
To know what you would be good

at and enjoy doing,you need to understand yourself.
Take a

personality assessment test. Many of this test are available that match your personal traits with possible career choices.

Know Yourself  To know what you would be good at and enjoy doing,you need to understand

Слайд 5 Explore Career Fields

Many careers exist

today that most people would never consider. Talk with a

career counselor at your high school or college. Try interning, volunteering or shadowing a professional in a field that interested you.
Explore Career Fields    Many careers exist today that most people would never consider.

Слайд 6 Learn Universal Knowledge and Skills.
A broad

education and basic skills can help you find success in

almost any career.
A general understanding of a variety of subject is always useful.
A diverse knowledge base and strong skill set will ensure an easier career transition in the future.
Learn Universal Knowledge and Skills.  A broad education and basic skills can help you

Слайд 7Turning Hobbies into Career
If you love decoration

your home, take some art decoration classes. The idea is

to take what you already enjoy doing and try to incorporate those interests into a career that you can be happy with right now.

Turning Hobbies into Career    If you love decoration your home, take some art decoration

Слайд 85 Fun Career Paths
Personal Shopper
If you specialize is

services to the elderly or you cater to white-collar workers

who have little fashion sense, you still get paid to help people while indulging in your favorite hobby.
5 Fun Career PathsPersonal Shopper  If you specialize is services to the elderly or you cater

Слайд 9
Video Game Designer

If you play video games

and you think to yourself, “I could create a better

game than that” then becoming a video game designer may well be right up your alley. Besides being fun, video game designer is a very lucrative field.
Video Game Designer  If you play video games and you think to yourself, “I could create

Слайд 10
Are you a foodie who craves rich desserts

and likes to add a little creative style to everything

you bake? If so, you’ll find that a career in the baking industry offers a lot of different options, pays well, and you get the benefit of taste-tasting your scrumptious creations as well
Baker  Are you a foodie who craves rich desserts and likes to add a little creative

Слайд 11Home Stager

If you have a flair for decorating

and love setting up furniture, this could be the perfect

job for you. The Home Stager rely on home stagers to help them de-clutter the house, decorate it and give them tips on how to best present it to prospective buyers.
Home Stager  If you have a flair for decorating and love setting up furniture, this could

Слайд 12
Movie Reviewer

Do you love movies

and you have a way with words? If so, you

can easily start a career as a movie reviewer. Many people start out writing reviews for free on popular websites.
Movie Reviewer  Do you love movies and you have a way with words? If

Слайд 13


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