Разделы презентаций

How to do a literature review?

Contents of the presentationCreating an efficient search strategyFinding booksFinding journal articlesA word about bibliographies and citations

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1How to do a literature review?

How to do a literature review?

Слайд 2Contents of the presentation
Creating an efficient search strategy
Finding books
Finding journal

A word about bibliographies and citations

Contents of the presentationCreating an efficient search strategyFinding booksFinding journal articlesA word about bibliographies and citations

Слайд 3Creating a search strategy step by step
Get familiar with your

Use dictionaries and encyclopedias to understanding the main concepts and

theories in the area
Define a research question that is not too broad and is realistic. Discuss it with your professor!
Creating a search strategy  step by step Get familiar with your topic:Use dictionaries and encyclopedias to

Слайд 4Creating a search strategy step by step
Identify your main

search keywords
Each important concept or aspect of your research should

have its keyword
Find synonyms or related terms for each keyword
Creating a search strategy  step by step  Identify your main search keywordsEach important concept or

Слайд 5Boolean operators: AND

Boolean operators: AND

Слайд 6Boolean operators: OR

Boolean operators: OR

Слайд 7Create a search “equation”

Create a search “equation” ANDANDOROROROROR

Слайд 8Finding books
Books can be located through the library catalogue
Books address

broad topics
Useful to acquire theory or methodology

Finding booksBooks can be located through the library catalogueBooks address broad topicsUseful to acquire theory or methodology

Слайд 9How to find articles
Articles appear in several types of periodicals.

Can you name a few?
Trade or association journals
Peer-reviewed or academic

How to find articlesArticles appear in several types of periodicals. Can you name a few?NewspapersMagazinesTrade or association

Слайд 10Scholarly journal articles
Peer-reviewed are also called scientific, academic or scholarly

are sent to a number of academic reviewers (peers)
These articles

address very specific topics
Most present research results
They have lengthy reference lists
They make multiple citations
Sometimes use footnotes

Scholarly journal articlesPeer-reviewed are also called scientific, academic or scholarlyArticles are sent to a number of academic

Слайд 11What about Google Scholar?
Good content in the scientific fields
Not so

good for social sciences
Search functions are limited compared to databases

What about Google Scholar?Good content in the scientific fieldsNot so good for social sciencesSearch functions are limited



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