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How to unleash a person as a brand?

1 step : Describe in simple words who you are.Determine the purpose of how people should perceive you. It is that image that should be developed within yourself and present to

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Слайд 1How to unleash a person as a brand?
By Podobedova Anastasia

How to unleash a person as a brand?By Podobedova Anastasia

Слайд 21 step : Describe in simple words who you are.

the purpose of how people should perceive you. It is

that image that should be developed within yourself and present to the masses.
1 step : Describe in simple words who you are.Determine the purpose of how people should perceive

Слайд 32 step : Create a blog in popular networks.
Do not

write about everything. Expand your essence.
Create profiles in social networks.

Pave the way for your blog from everywhere.
2 step : Create a blog in popular networks.Do not write about everything. Expand your essence.Create profiles

Слайд 43 step : Ask «customers» to leave feedback.
Ask customers to

leave feedback. Every person who comes into contact with you

and understands and impressed by your image can play the role of a client who can attract more clients.
3 step : Ask «customers» to leave feedback.Ask customers to leave feedback. Every person who comes into

Слайд 54 step : interview.
Many bloggers need quality information. Interviews are

always interesting if you are an interesting person.

4 step : interview.Many bloggers need quality information. Interviews are always interesting if you are an interesting

Слайд 66 step : Publish articles and write books.
Collect previous developments

in a compact form. Keep books narrowly focused. See how

well-known authors write about healthy eating and other issues. They carry the same idea, but in each book they show different facets.
6 step : Publish articles and write books.Collect previous developments in a compact form. Keep books narrowly

Слайд 77 step : Organize a community.
Organize a community. Collect

followers, train them. Collect all questions. They will give you

many blog ideas.
7 step : Organize a community. Organize a community. Collect followers, train them. Collect all questions. They

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