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Icarus Story

A long time ago there was a man named Daedalus. He lived on the island of Crete with his son, Icarus.

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Слайд 1

Слайд 2A long time ago there was a man named Daedalus.

He lived on the island of Crete with his son,

A long time ago there was a man named Daedalus. He lived on the island of Crete

Слайд 3Daedalus was a very clever craftsman who invented all sorts

of things. One day the King asked Daedalus to invent

a maze from which no one could escape.
Daedalus was a very clever craftsman who invented all sorts of things. One day the King asked

Слайд 4Daedalus worked hard to build the King a winding, twisting

maze. But when he had finished the King’s favour turned

and he threw Daedalus and his son, Icarus, into the tower at the top of the maze.
Daedalus worked hard to build the King a winding, twisting maze. But when he had finished the

Слайд 5“Let’s get on one of those boats!” shouted Icarus, pointing

towards the sea. “No,” replied Daedalus, “that’s too dangerous. The

King’s men guard every ship that leaves the island.” Icarus looked at the walls surrounding them on top of the tower. “We’ll never get out of here,” he sighed.
“Let’s get on one of those boats!” shouted Icarus, pointing towards the sea. “No,” replied Daedalus, “that’s

Слайд 6But Daedalus was looking up at the sky, watching the

sea-gulls fly through the air. Swoop, swoop, swoop, they went,

all around the tower then off into the distance.
“I’ve got it!” Daedalus leapt up, pointing his finger towards the birds. “We will fly out of here!”
But Daedalus was looking up at the sky, watching the sea-gulls fly through the air. Swoop, swoop,

Слайд 7Icarus and his Father set about gathering feathers. “Here’s one!”

exclaimed Icarus. “Bring it over here,” Daedalus instructed his son,

as he sat moulding the feathers together. Eventually their work was done and Daedalus held up two pairs of beautiful, feather wings.
Icarus and his Father set about gathering feathers. “Here’s one!” exclaimed Icarus. “Bring it over here,” Daedalus

Слайд 8Daedalus fitted the wings to his own shoulders then gave

a pair to Icarus. They moved around, slowly at first,

until they could wave their arms up and down, up and down, like birds. “Remember,” said Daedalus to his son, “never fly too high. The blaze of the sun will melt your feathers if you go too near it.”
Daedalus fitted the wings to his own shoulders then gave a pair to Icarus. They moved around,

Слайд 9But Icarus wasn’t listening. He was too excited. He was

about to fly for the first time!
He watched as

his Father took to the sky. Then he lifted his arms and began flapping.
Up, up, up he went. He could see the island of Crete disappearing below his feet.
But Icarus wasn’t listening. He was too excited. He was about to fly for the first time!

Слайд 10Icarus looked around, he could no longer see his Father.

The air grew warmer and
warmer. His arms seemed heavy

and tired. The light, feather wings that had carried
him into the clouds were beginning to fall away.
Icarus looked around, he could no longer see his Father. The air grew warmer and warmer. His

Слайд 11Then he remembered the words of his Father, Daedalus. “Don’t

fly too high.”
He looked up, the sun was beating

down on his back. His wings were melting!
Then he remembered the words of his Father, Daedalus. “Don’t fly too high.” He looked up, the

Слайд 12Suddenly he was falling down, down, down towards the sea.

“Father!’ he shouted. Daedalus watched with sadness from the sky

as his son hit the water with a heavy splash.

Suddenly he was falling down, down, down towards the sea. “Father!’ he shouted. Daedalus watched with sadness

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