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1/3 of all people skip the breakfastAccording to a survey made by American scientists, 1/3 of the people do not have breakfast in the morning. That fact horrified them because breakfast

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Слайд 21/3 of all people skip the breakfast
According to a survey

made by American scientists, 1/3 of the people do not

have breakfast in the morning. That fact horrified them because breakfast gives our bodies and brains energy needed to get going. So make it a priority to eat breakfast each and every day!
1/3 of all people skip the breakfastAccording to a survey made by American scientists, 1/3 of the

Слайд 3Fresh bread is the most commonly purchased food
While there's no

doubt that we love our pizza and cheeseburgers, fresh bread

ranks as the most commonly purchased food, according to a survey conducted by Nielsen. Ninety-seven percent of homes purchased bread in the past year — but we can guarantee not all of these homes purchased McDonalds cheeseburgers.
Fresh bread is the most commonly purchased foodWhile there's no doubt that we love our pizza and

Слайд 4Lemons are one of the healthiest foods in the world

to Fitness Magazine, lemons rank as one of the world's

healthiest foods. Why? One lemon contains your daily dose of vitamin C, it cleanses the liver, boosts your immunity and aids in weight loss. We recommend adding freshly sliced lemons to your water each morning.
Lemons are one of the healthiest foods in the worldAccording to Fitness Magazine, lemons rank as one

Слайд 5The highest-calorie fast food item in the world is a

A large chocolate shake from White Castle contains a whopping

1,680 calories and contains the highest calories of any other single-item fast food out there, according to Calorie Counter. Make a healthy green smoothie instead!
The highest-calorie fast food item in the world is a milkshakeA large chocolate shake from White Castle

Слайд 6Turkey, fish and cheese have the highest protein-to-calorie ratio
We know

turkey and fish are packed with protein, but found it

surprising that cheese contains just as much protein per calorie. For every 4.7 calories, you'll get 1 gram of protein. The cheeses with the most protein are low-fat mozzarella and cottage cheese
Turkey, fish and cheese have the highest protein-to-calorie ratioWe know turkey and fish are packed with protein,

Слайд 7Only 5 percent of people are vegetarians
According to Vegetarian Times,

3 percent of adults are vegetarians but only one-half of

1 percent follow a strict vegan diet. Vegans don't eat any meat, eggs or dairy products. Most avoid refined white sugars, as well.
Only 5 percent of people are vegetariansAccording to Vegetarian Times, 3 percent of adults are vegetarians but

Слайд 8Americans consume the most ice cream in the world
That's right

— according to Wikipedia, we consume 13 liters of ice

cream each per year! Most of this is consumed at night between 9 and 11 p.m.
Americans consume the most ice cream in the worldThat's right — according to Wikipedia, we consume 13

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