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Root has several functions: absorbs water & minerals from soil, binds plant to the ground, stores food.Root has several regions. They are:Root cap: it is found at the end, protects rootZone

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Слайд 2Root has several functions: absorbs water & minerals from soil,

binds plant to the ground, stores food.
Root has several regions.

They are:
Root cap: it is found at the end, protects root
Zone of cell division(apical meristem): cells divides rapidly and growth.
Zone of elongation: cells get longer and this part of root also gets longer
Zone of differentiation(maturation): cells complete their differentiation, cells increase in width, also root hair are found.
Root has several functions: absorbs water & minerals from soil, binds plant to the ground, stores food.Root

Слайд 3Epidermis outermost layer of root. It covers and protects the

Root hair: increase the surface area of root for

absorption of water and minerals.
Cortex is a part between cylinder the epidermis and vascular cylinder. It supports root and stores food.
Endodermis is the layer of cells outside of cylinder. Water cannot pass between the cells of endodermis so it must fist enter the cell of endodermis, then pass to vascular cylinder.
Vascular cylinder is central part of root. It is composed of xylem and phloem.
Epidermis outermost layer of root. It covers and protects the root. Root hair: increase the surface area

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