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We all know someone in our lives who seems to live, eat, breath and sleep shopping. This person is a compulsive shopper who must shop all the time. The media doesn’t

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Слайд 1Itg-11 how to IDENTIFY A SHOPoCHOLIC

ugrinovich mfl-13(2)

Itg-11    how to IDENTIFY A SHOPoCHOLIC Ann ugrinovich mfl-13(2)

Слайд 2We all know someone in our lives who seems to

live, eat, breath and sleep shopping. This person is a

compulsive shopper who must shop all the time. The media doesn’t truly show the real nature of the life of a shopaholic or their characteristics, and although most people can relate to a few of these traits, there’s a difference between people who shop and those who are shopaholics.
We all know someone in our lives who seems to live, eat, breath and sleep shopping. This

Слайд 3A person who rationalizes all purchases by saying that the

items were on sale probably is a shopaholic. 
Sure, we all

do this at one point or another, but the difference is that a shopaholic will buy something no matter what the price is; they will also buy items when there’s a sale just for the sake of buying. They feel like they need to shop and the fact that there is a sale going on provides them with even more satisfaction.
A person who rationalizes all purchases by saying that the items were on sale probably is a

Слайд 4A shopaholic always sends photos of their new purchases to

friends or family, and will also always display new purchases

whenever they can. This way, they can show people the items they are proud of.
A shopaholic always sends photos of their new purchases to friends or family, and will also always

Слайд 5The closet and drawers of a shopaholic will be filled

to capacity and then some. As a result, many items

will still have the price tags attached because they were impulse buys that the person doesn’t need and has no purpose for.
The closet and drawers of a shopaholic will be filled to capacity and then some. As a



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