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Jane Austen

Jane Austen Jane Austen was born on 16 December 1775 at the rectory in the Hampshire village of Steventon to the Reverend George Austen and his wife,

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Слайд 1Jane Austen

Jane Austen(1775-1817)

Слайд 2Jane Austen
Jane Austen was born

on 16 December 1775 at the rectory in the Hampshire

village of Steventon to the Reverend George Austen and his wife, Cassandra. Jane, the seventh of eight children, had six brothers and one elder sister, Cassandra.
Jane Austen     Jane Austen was born on 16 December 1775 at the rectory

Слайд 3Jane Austen
She didn't travel and before the end of her

life she didn't get married, though she received a lot

of proposals.

Jane AustenShe didn't travel and before the end of her life she didn't get married, though she

Слайд 4 The place where she lived

The place where she lived

Слайд 5Jane Austen
One hundred years later the house was bought by

Mr. T. Edward Carpenter in memory of his son, Philip,

who was killed in the Second World War. He founded the Jane Austen Memorial Trust and owned and administered the house that was first opened as a museum in 1949.

Jane AustenOne hundred years later the house was bought by Mr. T. Edward Carpenter in memory of

Слайд 6Jane Austen

Jane Austen

Слайд 7Jane Austen
Later in 1816 she became ill and in

May 1817 Cassandra and she rented rooms in Winchester to

be near to her physician. There was no cure for the illness and she died on July 1817. She was buried in Winchester Cathedral.
Jane Austen Later in 1816 she became ill and in May 1817 Cassandra and she rented rooms

Слайд 8Winchester Cathedral

Winchester Cathedral

Слайд 9Jane Austen

Jane Austen

Слайд 10Jane Austen
There are many film adaptations

by Jane Austen's novels. One of them is “Sense and

Jane Austen    There are many film adaptations by Jane Austen's novels. One of them

Слайд 11Anne Hathaway as Jane Austen

Anne Hathaway as Jane Austen

Слайд 12Jane Austen
Jane Austen's novels:
Sense and Sensibility (1811)
Pride & Prejudice (1813)

Park (1814)
Emma (1816)
Northanger Abbey (1817) and
Persuasion (1817) – posthumous.

Jane AustenJane Austen's novels:Sense and Sensibility (1811)Pride & Prejudice (1813)Mansfield Park (1814)Emma (1816)Northanger Abbey (1817) and Persuasion

Слайд 13Curious and interesting facts from the life of Jane Austen

The English writer who first gave the novel a modern

character by making in him everyday life.
Curious and interesting facts from the life of Jane Austen The English writer who first gave the

Слайд 14Jane Austen
Still considered The «First Lady» of English literature.

Jane AustenStill considered The «First Lady» of English literature.

Слайд 15Jane Austen
According to a survey of modern authors who write

romance novels, her book « Pride and prejudice» is the

best novel of this genre of all times and peoples.
Jane AustenAccording to a survey of modern authors who write romance novels, her book « Pride and

Слайд 16Jane Austen
Her novel «Sanditon» was recognized as one of the

ten major lost works, which lost world literature. She started

writing it a few months before her death did not have time to finish.
Jane AustenHer novel «Sanditon» was recognized as one of the ten major lost works, which lost world

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