Разделы презентаций

Job hunting


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Job hunting
Diana Vishnyakova

Job hunting Diana Vishnyakova

Слайд 2Vacanc


Слайд 3Cover

Cover Letter

Слайд 4writing CV

writing CV

Слайд 5Prepare for job interview

Prepare for job interview

Слайд 67 common questions

7 common questions

Слайд 7Prepare your portfolio

Prepare your portfolio

Слайд 8What to do at the interview. Recommendations

(+) Five positive tips

for job interview:

1. Compliance of the dress code is very

2. Important to speak competently during the interview
3. Be friendly and polite to the office employee, maybe these is your future colleagues
4. Keep eye contact
5. For women, it is important to put light makeup
6. It’s very significantly to be self-confident.

(-) Five negative tips for job interview:

1. Can not be late for disrespectful reason
2. Not tell a negative about the past job
3. Don't show that you're worried
4. During the interview you can not chew gum
5. Can not use the phone for personal purposes not related to the interview
What to do at the interview. Recommendations(+) Five positive tips for job interview:1. Compliance of the dress

Слайд 9What to do at the interview

What to do at the interview

Слайд 10Good luck in your job hunting

Good luck in your job hunting

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