Разделы презентаций

jobs millionaire

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRETest your knowledge and earn some extra credit

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Слайд 1

Test your knowledge and earn

some extra credit

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRETest your knowledge and earn some extra credit

Слайд 3100 $ Question
A skilled repairman of cars or machines

D. photographer
B. librarian
A. mechanic

100 $ QuestionA skilled repairman of cars or machines  C. nurseD. photographerB. librarianA. mechanic

Слайд 4200 $ Question
A person who is trained to work in

a library; person who manages a library
C. nurse
D. photographer
B. librarian

200 $ QuestionA person who is trained to work in a library; person who manages a library

Слайд 5300 $ Question
one who manages, director, administrator; supervisor
C. nurse
D. manager

A. mechanic

300 $ Questionone who manages, director, administrator; supervisor  C. nurseD. managerB. librarianA. mechanic

Слайд 6500 $ Question
medical caretaker (especially in a hospital under the supervision

of a doctor)
C. nurse
D. photographer
B. librarian
A. mechanic

500 $ Questionmedical caretaker (especially in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor)  C. nurseD.

Слайд 7500 $ Question
cameraman, one who takes pictures
C. nurse
D. photographer

A. mechanic

500 $ Questioncameraman, one who takes pictures  C. nurseD. photographerB. librarianA. mechanic

Слайд 81000 $ Question
expert in the medical treatment of animals, animal doctor

C. vet
D. photographer
B. librarian
A. doctor

1000 $ Questionexpert in the medical treatment of animals, animal doctor  C. vetD. photographerB. librarianA. doctor

Слайд 92000 $ Question
A person who is educator, instructor
C. scientist

B. librarian
A. teacher

2000 $ QuestionA person who is educator, instructor  C. scientistD. photographerB. librarianA. teacher

Слайд 104000 $ Question
one who helps passengers on an airplane (or ship,etc.),

serves food and drinks
C. pilot
D. stewardess
B. vet
A. scientist

4000 $ Questionone who helps passengers on an airplane (or ship,etc.), serves food and drinks  C.

Слайд 118000 $ Question
A person who is trained to work in

a library; person who manages a library
C. nurse
D. photographer
B. librarian

8000 $ QuestionA person who is trained to work in a library; person who manages a library

Слайд 1216000 $ Question
scientist who researches physics, one who studies the laws

of nature and properties of matter and energy
C. physicist
D. photographer


A. scientist

16000 $ Questionscientist who researches physics, one who studies the laws of nature and properties of matter

Слайд 1325000 $ Question
one who gives professional economic and spiritual aid to

the lower needy classes
C. nurse
D. social worker
B. teacher
A. doctor

25000 $ Questionone who gives professional economic and spiritual aid to the lower needy classes  C.

Слайд 1450000 $ Question
office clerk, one who performs administrative work in an

office or organization and helps people organize their holidays
C. travel agent


B. manager

A. agent

50000 $ Questionoffice clerk, one who performs administrative work in an office or organization and helps people

Слайд 15250000 $ Question
expert in a particular branch of science; man of

science, researcher
C. physicist
D. photographer
B. scientist
A. biologist

250000 $ Questionexpert in a particular branch of science; man of science, researcher  C. physicistD. photographerB.

Слайд 16500000 $ Question
A person who works in a pharmacy and

sells different kinds of medicine and also gives consultations to

people about medicines

C. physicist

D. pharmacist

B. scientist

A. biologist

500000 $ QuestionA person who works in a pharmacy and sells different kinds of medicine and also

Слайд 171000000 $ Question
a member of a police force
C. police officer

B. lawyer
A. detective

1000000 $ Questiona member of a police forceC. police officerD. photographerB. lawyerA. detective

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