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How do we spend our free time

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 3How do we spend our free time

How do we spend our free time

Слайд 4Word’s formation
To damage-damage
An Interest-interesting
To behave-behaviour
To chat- chatter
To approve-approvement
To observe-observation

Word’s formationTo damage-damageAn Interest-interestingTo behave-behaviourTo chat- chatterTo approve-approvementTo observe-observation

Слайд 5Be attentive!
1) ( Travel) is my hobby
2) The Tower of

London always ( attraction) the attention of the tourists
3) I

stopped to have a (chatting) with Sam
4) That story is exciting and (amuse)
5) A (camper) is a place where people stay in tents and shelters for a short time
6) I’ve agreed to help with (arrange) for the party
7) A gallery should aim to ( entertaining) as well as educate
8) With ( encourage), Nelly is starting to play with the other children
Be attentive!1) ( Travel) is my hobby2) The Tower of London always ( attraction) the attention of

Слайд 6Keys
1) travelling
2) attracts
3) chat
4) amusing
5) camp
6) arrangements
7) entertain
8) encouragement

Keys1) travelling2) attracts3) chat4) amusing5) camp6) arrangements7) entertain8) encouragement

Слайд 7Amusement
Convenient for
Arranging a park
Taking part in
Going to

Sports competitions
Rock concerts
Around the

Special meals
Make up word combinations

AmusementWatchingTravellingConvenient forArranging a parkEntertainmentTaking part inGoing toVideoCampingSports competitionsRock concertsAround the worldActivitiesSpecial mealsMake up word combinations

Слайд 8Hometask
Work Book: ex.1,2; p.16

HometaskWork Book: ex.1,2; p.16

Слайд 10Be more active!
Hands on your hips, hands on your knees,

them behind you if you please.
Touch your shoulders, touch your

Touch your ears, touch your toys.
Raise your hands high in the air,
At your sides, on your hair.
Raise your hands as before
While you clap: one, two, three, four.
Be more active!Hands on your hips, hands on your knees,Put them behind you if you please.Touch your

Слайд 11Correct the mistakes
1. The story were read three days ago.

The building of the museum is being reconstructed at the

3. we are not never asked at the English lesson
4. The text will be translated when I came
5. English is speak all over the would
6. Ice-cream be made from milk.
7. The game will be played in for days?
Correct the mistakes1. The story were read three days ago.2. The building of the museum is being

Слайд 12Keys
1. The story was read three days ago.
2. The building

of the museum is being reconstructed at the moment
3. We

are never asked at the English lesson
4. The text was being translated when I came
5. English is spoken all over the would
6. Ice-cream is made from milk.
7. Will the game be played in four days?
Keys1. The story was read three days ago.2. The building of the museum is being reconstructed at

Слайд 13Make the rule after reading
They were not playing hide-and-seek at that time

yesterday, were they?
You will cook spaghetti and bacon for dinner, won’t

Jack is back home, isn’t he?
Your cat purrs so sweetly, doesn’t it? 
We are not talking about Nora, are we?
 I am late for the class, aren’t I?
Everybody is so nice out there, aren’t they?
Everything is so bright in Christmas Prague, isn’t it?
Nothing was mentioned about it at the meeting, was it?
You didn’t go to London last year, did you?
Jerry can speak French, can’t he? 
Make the rule after readingThey were not playing hide-and-seek at that time yesterday, were they? You will cook spaghetti and

При встрече с to be его и используем. А в

предложениях с there is/ there are этих двух товарищей нужно поменять местами.

Будьте внимательны с многочисленными формами:
С остальными глаголами во всех временных формах в хвостике употребляются соответстующие вспомогательные глаголы:
Если вам попался модальный глагол, то он нам и пригодится для хвостика
READ AND REMEMBERПри встрече с to be его и используем. А в предложениях с there is/ there are этих двух товарищей

Слайд 15Если вам повстречалась такая форма to be, как am, то придется использовать aren’t

I или are I
Слова anybody, anyone, these, those, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, no

one, nobodyмогут легко ввести вас в заблуждение. Дело в том, что при их наличии любой вопрос будет оканчиваться на they, а не любой другой вариант
that, this и everything меняем на it

Если вам повстречалась такая форма to be, как am, то придется использовать aren’t I или are IСлова anybody, anyone, these, those, everyone, everybody,

Слайд 16Finish the questions.

1. The Lomovs like to spend their holidays

in town, ?
2. Mr. Smith spends his holidays in town,

3. Mrs. White spent her holidays in the country, ?
4. Your cat doesn't like to swim in the river, ?
5. Your pets never sleep on the sofa, ?
Finish the questions.1. The Lomovs like to spend their holidays in town, ?2. Mr. Smith spends his

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