Разделы презентаций

Kiy – miracle island


Onega Bay– Онежская губаKrestny monastery – Крестный монастырьOrthodox Church – Православная ЦерковьNativity of the Most РождествоHoly Mother of God – Богородицы

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Kiy – miracle island

Kiy – miracle island

Слайд 2

Onega Bay– Онежская губа
Krestny monastery – Крестный монастырь
Orthodox Church –

Православная Церковь
Nativity of the Most Рождество
Holy Mother of God –


Onega Bay–		Онежская губаKrestny monastery –	 	Крестный 	монастырьOrthodox Church –  		Православная 	ЦерковьNativity of the Most 		РождествоHoly Mother

Слайд 3The unique natural monument is situated in Onega Bay of

the White Sea.

The unique natural monument is situated in Onega Bay of the White Sea.

Слайд 4The island is stretched for 2 km with a width

of up to 800 m.

The island is stretched for 2 km with a width of up to 800 m.

Слайд 6Up to 500 kinds of plants grow there, waters around

the island are rich of fish and in summer its

temperature is up to 24°C
Up to 500 kinds of plants grow there, waters around the island are rich of fish and

Слайд 9Wide and sandy beaches, magnificent pine woods rich of berries

Wide and sandy beaches, magnificent pine woods rich of berries

Слайд 1225-meters rocks, remarkably interesting architectural ensemble and history of Kiysky

Krestny monastery,

25-meters rocks, remarkably interesting architectural ensemble and history of Kiysky Krestny monastery,

Слайд 13and the original nature of the island attract thousands of


and the original nature of the island attract thousands of tourists.

Слайд 15The history of Kiy-island is closely connected with the name

of a famous religious figure of XVII century and the

reformer of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Nikon.
The history of Kiy-island is closely connected with the name of a famous religious figure of XVII

Слайд 16According to the legend, Nikon rubbed into heavy weather near

the Kiy-island and having lost all his fellow travellers rescued

on the island.
According to the legend, Nikon rubbed into heavy weather near the Kiy-island and having lost all his

Слайд 17In the memory of his miraculous rescue Nikon founded Krestny

monastery (XVII century) on the island.

In the memory of his miraculous rescue Nikon founded Krestny monastery (XVII century) on the island.

Слайд 18It was one of three monasteries founded by his initiative.

It was one of three monasteries founded by his initiative.

Слайд 20The inside designing of the monastery is very compact.

The inside designing of the monastery is very compact.

Слайд 21From the sea side you can see how naturally the

monastery fits the rocky relief of the island.

From the sea side you can see how naturally the monastery fits the rocky relief of the

Слайд 22Among numerous buildings there is only Krestovozdvizhensky temple,
Nadkladeznaya church,

Among numerous buildings there is only Krestovozdvizhensky temple, Nadkladeznaya church,

Слайд 23two-level church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother

of God.

two-level church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God.

Слайд 24Among wooden buildings of the Krestny monastery the most interesting

is the fragment of the wooden monastery fence with four-sided

Among wooden buildings of the Krestny monastery the most interesting is the fragment of the wooden monastery

Слайд 25It is a unique monument which doesn't have its analogies

in the Russian North.

It is a unique monument which doesn't have its analogies in the Russian North.

Слайд 26Among the recent buildings two-storied Dean's house (1871) and Brothers'

house (1903) are preserved.

Among the recent buildings two-storied Dean's house (1871) and Brothers' house (1903) are preserved.

Слайд 27Nowadays on the territory of the former monastery there is

a rest-house «Kiysky».

Nowadays on the territory of the former monastery there is a rest-house «Kiysky».

Слайд 29The island is waiting for you!

The island is waiting for you!

Слайд 30Answer the questions:

Where is Kiy-island situated?

How many kinds of

plants are there on the island?

Who was Nikon?

What are the

most interesting sights on the island?
Answer the questions: Where is Kiy-island situated?How many kinds of plants are there on the island?Who was

Слайд 31Здесь краткость мига бытия Граничит с вечностью седою. Здесь, как на

бритве острия, Душа все тайники раскроет. Здесь белокрылый чудный храм Парит, как чайка,

над волною. Здесь чувства рвутся к небесам Под песню грустную прибоя. Здесь дорог каждый день и час, Бесценно каждое мгновенье. Здесь, уезжая, каждый раз Надеешься на возвращенье. Здесь места лжи и фальши нет Пред ликом красоты творящей. И льется благодатный свет На остров, над водой царящий. (Пивнева О.)
Здесь краткость мига бытия  Граничит с вечностью седою. Здесь, как на бритве острия, Душа все тайники

Слайд 32Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

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