Разделы презентаций

Конструкция THERE IS/ARE

There is/there are 1. Обозначает наличие или отсутствие какого-либо лица или предмета в определенном месте2. Переводится: есть, имеется, находится, …, и никак не переводится3. Переводить данную структуру необходимо

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Конструкция THERE IS/ARE

Конструкция THERE IS/ARE

Слайд 2There is/there are

1. Обозначает наличие или отсутствие какого-либо лица

или предмета в определенном месте

2. Переводится: есть, имеется, находится,

…, и никак не переводится

3. Переводить данную структуру необходимо с обстоятельства места или сказуемого
There is a cat on the sofa.
На диване есть кошка.
На диване имеется кошка.
На диване находится кошка.
На диване лежит кошка.
На диване кошка.
There is/there are 1.  Обозначает наличие или отсутствие какого-либо лица или предмета в определенном месте2.

Слайд 3There is/there are
4. Слово there в структуре не имеет самостоятельного

значения, а вне структуры переводится как там.

There is a cat


Там есть кошка.

Do exercise 1(a) at page 113

There is/there are 4. Слово there в структуре не имеет самостоятельного значения, а вне структуры переводится как

Слайд 4Questions and Negative Sentences
There is a book on the table.

There is not a book on the table.
There is

no book on the table.
General Question
Is there a book on the table?
Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.
Alternative Question
Is there a book or a pen on the table?
Special Question
What is there on the table?

Do exercise 3,4 at page 113

Questions and Negative SentencesThere is a book on the table. There is not a book on the

Слайд 5There is/there are
Используется в повествовательных предложениях
Используется в отрицательных и

вопросительных предложениях

There are some books on the table.

there any books on the table?
There are not any books on the table.
Do exercise 2 at page 113
There is/there areSomeИспользуется в повествовательных предложениях	 AnyИспользуется в отрицательных и вопросительных предложенияхExample: There are some books on

Слайд 6Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into Russian
There is a book

on the shelf.
There are some forks among spoons and

There are many words in this sentence.
There are many oranges in the bowl.
There are no magazines under the table.
Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into RussianThere is a book on the shelf. There are some forks

Слайд 7Exercise 2. Make interrogative sentences (2 types)
There are many oranges

on the plates.
There is an armchair in front of the

There is a lamp above the table.
There is a knife.
There is a banana on the table.

Exercise 2. Make interrogative sentences (2 types)There are many oranges on the plates.There is an armchair in

Слайд 8Exercise4. Put is or are in the blanks.
There ___

three rooms in our flat.
There ___ a table in the

There ____ four chairs round it.
There ____ a shelf on the wall above the table.
____ there a stove in the kitchen?
There ____ some plates and dishes on the table.
There _____ sandwiches on one of the dishes.
There _____ meat, cheese and sausage on the plates
There _____ a few spoons and knives on the table.
There _____ some cups and a tea-pot.
There _____ a lot of sugar in the sugar-bowl.
There _____ a little salt in the salt-cellar.
There _____ different kinds of jam in the jars.
There _____ everything for a good lunch.
Exercise4. Put is or are in the blanks.  There ___ three rooms in our flat.There ___

Слайд 9Exercise 5. Ask general questions. Give short answers
There is a

French magazine on his desk.
There is a bed in his

There is a TV set in the sitting-room.
There are three apples on her plate.
There are four newspapers on the table.

Exercise 5. Ask general questions. Give short answers There is a French magazine on his desk.There is

Слайд 10THANK YOU!


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