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Lecture 8 -10 Optimization. New DML operators


Common Table Expression /CTE/ The CTE was introduced into standard SQL in order to simplify various classes of  SQL Queries for which a derived table just wasn't suitable. Introduced in

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 Lecture 8-10 Optimization. New DML operators  

CTE- expressions
CTE- expressions are for

easier queries readability
Single CTE call
CTE use for recursive tree-walking

PIVOT & UNPIVOT operators
PIVOT operator use
UNPIVOT operator use
APPLY operator
Function creation
CROSS- union query
OUTER- union query


Subject: “Database Management Systems 2”
Instructor’s full name: Dr. Lyazat Naizabayeva

Lecture 8-10  Optimization.  New DML operators  CTE- expressionsCTE- expressions are for easier queries readability

Слайд 2 Common Table Expression /CTE/

The CTE was introduced into standard

SQL in order to simplify various classes of  SQL Queries

for which a derived table just wasn't suitable. 
Introduced in SQL Server 2005, the common table expression (CTE) is a temporary named result set that you can reference within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.
You can also use a CTE in a CREATE VIEW statement, as part of the view’s SELECT query.
In addition, as of SQL Server 2008, you can add a CTE to the new MERGE statement.
SQL Server supports two types of CTEs
recursive and nonrecursive.
Common Table Expression /CTE/ The CTE was introduced into standard SQL in order to simplify

Слайд 3You define CTEs by adding a WITH clause directly before


clause can include one or more CTEs, as shown in the following syntax:

Working with Common Table Expressions

[WITH [,...]]

cte_name [(column_name [,...])]

AS (cte_query)
...which can be represented like this...

You define CTEs by adding a WITH clause directly before your SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE

Слайд 4WITH
  cteTotalSales (SalesPersonID, NetSales)
    SELECT SalesPersonID, ROUND(SUM(SubTotal), 2)

FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader

  sp.FirstName + ' ' + sp.LastName AS FullName,
  sp.City + ', ' + StateProvinceName AS Location,
FROM Sales.vSalesPerson AS sp
  INNER JOIN cteTotalSales AS ts
    ON sp.BusinessEntityID = ts.SalesPersonID

Creating a Nonrecursive Common Table Expression

WITH   cteTotalSales (SalesPersonID, NetSales)AS  (    SELECT SalesPersonID, ROUND(SUM(SubTotal), 2)    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader     WHERE SalesPersonID IS NOT

Слайд 5After I specify the CTE name, I provide two column

names, SalesPersonID and NetSales, which are enclosed in parentheses and

separated by a comma.
Next, I provide the AS keyword, then a set of parentheses that enclose the CTE query. In this case, the SELECT statement returns the total sales for each sales person (total sales grouped by salesperson ID).
I can now reference cteTotalSales in the statement that immediately follows. For this example, I create a SELECT statement that joins the Sales.vSalesPerson view to cteTotalSales, based on the salesperson ID.
I then pull the names and locations from the view and the net sales from the CTE.
After I specify the CTE name, I provide two column names, SalesPersonID and NetSales, which are enclosed

Слайд 6The following table shows the results returned by this statement.

The following table shows the results returned by this statement.

Слайд 7Creating a Recursive Common Table Expression
A recursive CTE is one

that references itself within that CTE. The recursive CTE is

useful when working with hierarchical data because the CTE continues to execute until the query returns the entire hierarchy.
Note that a CTE created incorrectly could enter an infinite loop. To prevent this, you can include the MAXRECURSION hint in the OPTION clause of the primary SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. For information about using query hints, see the topic “Query Hints (Transact-SQL)” in SQL Server Books Online.
Creating a Recursive Common Table ExpressionA recursive CTE is one that references itself within that CTE. The

Слайд 8IF OBJECT_ID('Employees', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE dbo.Employees
CREATE TABLE dbo.Employees

  FirstName varchar(50) NOT NULL,

LastName varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  ManagerID int NULL
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (101, 'Ken', 'Sánchez', NULL)
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (102, 'Terri', 'Duffy', 101)
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (103, 'Roberto', 'Tamburello', 101)
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (104, 'Rob', 'Walters', 102)
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (105, 'Gail', 'Erickson', 102)
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (106, 'Jossef', 'Goldberg', 103)
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (107, 'Dylan', 'Miller', 103)
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (108, 'Diane', 'Margheim', 105)
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (109, 'Gigi', 'Matthew', 105)
INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (110, 'Michael', 'Raheem', 106)
IF OBJECT_ID('Employees', 'U') IS NOT NULLDROP TABLE dbo.EmployeesGOCREATE TABLE dbo.Employees(  EmployeeID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,  FirstName

Слайд 9As you might realize, the AdventureWorks2008 database already includes the

HumanResources.Employee table.
However, that table now uses the hierarchyid data

type to store hierarchical data, which would introduce unnecessary complexity when trying to demonstrate a recursive CTE. For that reason, I created my own table.
However, if you want to try out a recursive CTE without creating and populating a new table, you can use the AdventureWorks sample database that shipped with SQL Server 2005.
The HumanResources.Employee table in that database stores the data in a way similar to the table I create above.
After I created the Employees table, I created the following SELECT statement, which is preceded by a WITH clause that includes a CTE named cteReports:
As you might realize, the AdventureWorks2008 database already includes the HumanResources.Employee table. However, that table now uses

Слайд 10WITH
  cteReports (EmpID, FirstName, LastName, MgrID, EmpLevel)

EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, ManagerID, 1
    FROM Employees WHERE ManagerID IS

    SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.FirstName, e.LastName, e.ManagerID, r.EmpLevel + 1
    FROM Employees e
      INNER JOIN cteReports r ON e.ManagerID = r.EmpID
  FirstName + ' ' + LastName AS FullName, EmpLevel,
  (SELECT FirstName + ' ' + LastName FROM Employees
    WHERE EmployeeID = cteReports.MgrID) AS Manager
FROM cteReports
ORDER BY EmpLevel, MgrID
WITH  cteReports (EmpID, FirstName, LastName, MgrID, EmpLevel)  AS  (    SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, ManagerID, 1    FROM Employees

Слайд 11The CTE query is itself made up of two SELECT

statements, connected with the UNION ALL operator.
A recursive CTE

query must contain at least two members (statements), connected by the UNION ALL, UNION, INTERSECT, or EXCEPT operator.
In this example, the first SELECT statement is the anchor member, and the second statement is the recursive member.
All anchor members must precede the recursive members, and only the recursive members can reference the CTE itself. In addition, all members must return the same number of columns with corresponding data types.
The CTE query is itself made up of two SELECT statements, connected with the UNION ALL operator.

Слайд 12Now lets look closer at the statements themselves.
The first

statement, the anchor member, retrieves the employee ID, first name,

last name, and manager ID from the Employees table, where the manager ID is null.
This would be the employee at the top of the hierarchy, which means this person reports to no one. Consequently, the manager ID value is null.
To reflect that this person is at the top of the hierarchy, I assign a value of 1 to the EmpLevel column.
Now lets look closer at the statements themselves. The first statement, the anchor member, retrieves the employee

Слайд 13The second statement in the CTE query—the recursive member—also retrieves

the employee ID, first name, last name, and manager ID

for employees in the Employees table.
However, notice that I join the Employees table to the CTE itself. In addition, the join is based on the manager ID in the Employees table and the employee ID in the CTE.
By doing this, the CTE will loop through the Employees table until it returns the entire hierarchy.
The second statement in the CTE query—the recursive member—also retrieves the employee ID, first name, last name,

Слайд 14After I define my WITH clause, I create a SELECT

statement that retrieves the data from the CTE.
Note, however,

that for the Manager column, I retrieve the first and last name of the employee associated with the manager ID in the CTE.
This allows me to display the full name of the manager for each employee.
The following table shows the result set returned by the SELECT statement and its CTE.
After I define my WITH clause, I create a SELECT statement that retrieves the data from the

Слайд 16As you can see, the CTE, whether recursive or nonrecursive,

can be a useful tool when you need to generate

temporary result sets that can be accessed in a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement.
In a sense, a CTE is like a derived table: it’s not stored as an object and is valid only during the execution of the primary statement.
However, unlike the derived table, a CTE can be referenced multiple times within a query and it can be self-referencing. And best of all, CTEs are relatively easy to implement.
As you can see, the CTE, whether recursive or nonrecursive, can be a useful tool when you

Слайд 17Example2
USE AdventureWorks2008R2;
-- Define the CTE expression name and column list.

Sales_CTE (SalesPersonID, SalesOrderID, SalesYear)
-- Define the CTE query.

SELECT SalesPersonID, SalesOrderID, YEAR(OrderDate) AS SalesYear FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader WHERE SalesPersonID IS NOT NULL
-- Define the outer query referencing the CTE name.
SELECT SalesPersonID, COUNT(SalesOrderID) AS TotalSales, SalesYear
GROUP BY SalesYear, SalesPersonID
ORDER BY SalesPersonID, SalesYear;
Example2USE AdventureWorks2008R2;GO-- Define the CTE expression name and column list.WITH Sales_CTE (SalesPersonID, SalesOrderID, SalesYear)AS-- Define the CTE

Слайд 18 The following example shows the components of the CTE structure:

expression name, column list, and query. The CTE expression Sales_CTE

has three columns (SalesPersonID, SalesOrderID, and OrderDate) and is defined as the total number of sales orders per year for each salesperson. Here is a partial result set:

SalesPersonID TotalSales  SalesYear
------------- ----------- -----------
274           4           2001
274           20          2002
274           14          2003
274           10          2004
275           56          2001
275           139         2002
275           169         2003

The following example shows the components of the CTE structure: expression name, column list, and

Слайд 19Example3
Say, for instance, you have a query like this:

* FROM (

SELECT A.Address, E.Name, E.Age From Address A
Inner join Employee E on E.EID = A.EID) T
WHERE T.Age > 50

The query looks really a mess. Even if I need to write something that wraps around the entire query, it would gradually become unreadable. CTE allows you to generate Tables beforehand and use it later when we actually bind the data into the output.

Example3Say, for instance, you have a query like this: SELECT * FROM (

Слайд 20Rewriting the query using CTE expressions would look like:

T(Address, Name, Age) --Column names for Temporary table
SELECT A.Address, E.Name,

E.Age from Address A
SELECT * FROM T --SELECT or USE CTE temporary Table
WHERE T.Age > 50

Yes as you can see, the second query is much more readable using CTE. You can specify as many query expressions as you want and the final query which will output the data to the external environment will eventually get reference to all of them.

Rewriting the query using CTE expressions would look like: With T(Address, Name, Age) --Column names for Temporary

Слайд 21With T1(Address, Name, Age) --Column names for Temporary table
SELECT A.Address,

E.Name, E.Age from Address A

T2(Name, Desig)
SELECT T1.*, T2.Desig FROM T1 --SELECT or USE CTE temporary Table
WHERE T1.Age > 50 AND T1.Name = T2.Name

So the queries are separated using commas. So basically you can pass as many queries as you want and these queries will act as a subqueries, getting you the data and name it as a temporary table in the query.

With T1(Address, Name, Age) --Column names for Temporary tableAS(SELECT A.Address, E.Name, E.Age from Address AINNER JOIN EMP

Слайд 22CTEs used to recursively enumerate hierarchical data.


CAST(STATEMENT + 'CodeProject! ' AS VARCHAR(300))
CTEs used to recursively enumerate hierarchical data. WITH ShowMessage(STATEMENT, LENGTH)AS(SELECT STATEMENT = CAST('I Like ' AS VARCHAR(300)),

Слайд 23So this will produce like this:

So this will produce like this:

Слайд 24Pivot Table
Pivot tables are used to summarize and display

the data, specially in case of report data by means

of aggregating the values. 
Pivot table can be used if we want to display the unique values of the column of a table as the columns of another table.
It turns the unique values of a specified column into another table columns.
Pivot Table Pivot tables are used to summarize and display the data, specially in case of report

Слайд 25The syntax for the Pivot is given below:
SELECT non-pivoted column,  

  firstpivotedcolumn AS column name,     secondpivotedcolumn AS column name,  

  lastpivotedcolumn AS column name FROM     (SELECT query that produces the data>) AS aliasforsourcequery PIVOT (     aggregation function(column being aggregated) FOR column that contains the values that will become column headers     IN ( firstpivotedcolumn,secondpivotedcolumn,     last pivoted column) )
AS aliasforthepivottable (optional ORDER BY clause) 
The syntax for the Pivot is given below:SELECT non-pivoted column,     firstpivotedcolumn AS column name,  

Слайд 26For example, suppose we have a table called tbl_student which

contains the columns studentname, grade and marks.

For example, suppose we have a table called tbl_student which contains the columns studentname, grade and marks.

Слайд 27SELECT studentname, [I], [II], [III], [IV] , [V] FROM tbl_student)
AS sourcetable PIVOT

(  AVG(marks)
FOR grade in ([I],[II],[III],[IV],[V]))

V desc,IV desc,III desc,II desc,I desc
SELECT studentname, [I], [II], [III], [IV] , [V] FROM tbl_student) AS sourcetable PIVOT (  AVG(marks) FOR grade

Слайд 28Unpivot table
Unpivot table is reverse of Pivot table as

it rotate the columns of a table into the value

of a column.
For example, suppose we have a table say tbl_stdmarksdata whose structure us given below:
Unpivot table Unpivot table is reverse of Pivot table as it rotate the columns of a table

Слайд 29The Query for the Unpivot table will be as follow:

FROM tbl_stdmarksdata
Marks for Grade in (I,II,III,IV,V)
AS tblunpvt

The Query for the Unpivot table will be as follow:SELECT studentname,Marks,GradeFROM tbl_stdmarksdataUNPIVOT(Marks for Grade in (I,II,III,IV,V) )

Слайд 31Example2
There are two ways to pivot data:
We can convert multiple

rows into a single row with repeating groups of columns.

can convert columns on a single row into multiple rows with a generic column and a row type discriminator.

CREATE TABLE Sales (State CHAR(2), SalesAmt DECIMAL(18,2))  

INSERT INTO Sales VALUES ('ND',10000)  
INSERT INTO Sales VALUES ('SD',30000)  
INSERT INTO Sales VALUES ('TN',2500.50)  
INSERT INTO Sales VALUES ('OR',5500.50)  
INSERT INTO Sales VALUES ('VA',6500.50)  
INSERT INTO Sales VALUES ('SD',7000)  
INSERT INTO Sales VALUES ('ND',8000)  

Example2There are two ways to pivot data:We can convert multiple rows into a single row with repeating

Слайд 32Here is the result set,

Here is the result set,

Слайд 33GO  
SELECT [ND],[SD],[TN],[OR],[VA]  
FROM (SELECT State,SalesAmt FROM Sales) p  
SUM (SalesAmt)  
FOR State IN  
) AS pvt  

Run the following query,
Here is the result set,

GO  SELECT [ND],[SD],[TN],[OR],[VA]  FROM (SELECT State,SalesAmt FROM Sales) p  PIVOT  (  SUM (SalesAmt)  FOR State IN  ([ND],[SD],[TN],[OR],[VA])  ) AS pvt  Run the following query,Here is the result set,

Слайд 34UNPIVOT performs almost the reverse operation of PIVOT, by rotating

columns into rows. Use the following scripts,

CREATE TABLE StudentMarks(  
[Name] VARCHAR(50),  
Subject1 VARCHAR(10),  
Mark1 INT,  
Subject2 VARCHAR(10),  
Mark2 INT,  
Subject3 VARCHAR(10),  
Mark3 INT)  

UNPIVOT performs almost the reverse operation of PIVOT, by rotating columns into rows. Use the following scripts,

Слайд 35
INSERT INTO StudentMarks([Name],Subject1,Mark1,Subject2,Mark2,Subject3,Mark3)  
INSERT INTO StudentMarks([Name],Subject1,Mark1,Subject2,Mark2,Subject3,Mark3)  
INSERT INTO StudentMarks([Name],Subject1,Mark1,Subject2,Mark2)  
INSERT INTO StudentMarks([Name],Subject1,Mark1,Subject2,Mark2)  
SELECT * FROM StudentMarks  

INSERT INTO StudentMarks([Name],Subject1,Mark1,Subject2,Mark2,Subject3,Mark3)  VALUES('AAA','Science',98,'Maths',89,'English',76)  INSERT INTO StudentMarks([Name],Subject1,Mark1,Subject2,Mark2,Subject3,Mark3)  VALUES('XXX','Biology',78,'Chemistry',85,'Physics',67)  INSERT INTO StudentMarks([Name],Subject1,Mark1,Subject2,Mark2)  VALUES('YYY','Batany',60,'Zoology',54)  INSERT INTO StudentMarks([Name],Subject1,Mark1,Subject2,Mark2)  VALUES('ZZZ','Maths',67,'Physics',78)    SELECT * FROM StudentMarks  

Слайд 36Here is the result set,

Here is the result set,

Слайд 37
SELECT  [Name], SubjectName,  
case when Subject='Subject1' then Mark1  
     when Subject='Subject2' then Mark2  
     when Subject='Subject3' then Mark3  
    else NULL end as Marks  
SELECT [Name], Subject1,Mark1, Subject2,Mark2, Subject3,Mark3  
   FROM StudentMarks
) p  
SubjectName FOR Subject IN  
      (Subject1, Subject2, Subject3)  
AS unpvt;  

SELECT  [Name], SubjectName,  case when Subject='Subject1' then Mark1       when Subject='Subject2' then Mark2       when Subject='Subject3' then Mark3      else NULL end as Marks  FROM     (  SELECT [Name], Subject1,Mark1, Subject2,Mark2, Subject3,Mark3     FROM StudentMarks  ) p  UNPIVOT     (   SubjectName FOR Subject IN        (Subject1, Subject2, Subject3)    )AS unpvt;  

Слайд 38Here is the result set,

Here is the result set,

Слайд 39Note that UNPIVOT is not the exact reverse of PIVOT.

PIVOT performs an aggregation and hence merges possible multiple rows

into a single row in the output.
UNPIVOT does not reproduce the original table-valued expression result because rows have been merged.
Besides, NULL values in the input of UNPIVOT disappear in the output, whereas there may have been original NULL values in the input before the PIVOT operation.
Note that UNPIVOT is not the exact reverse of PIVOT. PIVOT performs an aggregation and hence merges

Слайд 40The APPLY operator
Problem SQL Server 2005 introduced the APPLY operator,

which is very much like a join clause and which

allows joining between two table expressions i.e. joining a left/outer table expression with a right/inner table expression.
The difference between join and APPLY operator becomes evident when you have a table-valued expression on the right side and you want this table-valued expression to be evaluated for each row from the left table expression.
The APPLY operator Problem SQL Server 2005 introduced the APPLY operator, which is very much like a

Слайд 41Solution The APPLY operator allows you to join two table expressions;

the right table expression is processed every time for each

row from the left table expression.
As you might have guessed, the left table expression is evaluated first and then right table expression is evaluated against each row of the left table expression for final result-set.
The final result-set contains all the selected columns from the left table expression followed by all the columns of right table expression.
Solution The APPLY operator allows you to join two table expressions; the right table expression is processed

Слайд 42The APPLY operator comes in two variants, the CROSS APPLY

and the OUTER APPLY.
The CROSS APPLY operator returns only

those rows from left table expression (in its final output) if it matches with right table expression. In other words, the right table expression returns rows for left table expression match only. 
Whereas the OUTER APPLY operator returns all the rows from left table expression irrespective of its match with the right table expression. 
For those rows for which there are no corresponding matches in right table expression, it contains NULL values in columns of right table expression.
So you might now conclude, the
CROSS APPLY is semantically equivalent to INNER JOIN (or to be more precise its like a CROSS JOIN with a correlated sub-query) with a implicit join condition of 1=1 whereas
OUTER APPLY is semantically equivalent to LEFT OUTER JOIN.
The APPLY operator comes in two variants, the CROSS APPLY and the OUTER APPLY. The CROSS APPLY

Слайд 43SELECT * FROM Department D CROSS APPLY     (     SELECT * FROM Employee E     WHERE E.DepartmentID = D.DepartmentID     ) A

GO SELECT * FROM Department D INNER JOIN Employee E ON D.DepartmentID = E.DepartmentID GO

SELECT * FROM Department D  CROSS APPLY      (      SELECT * FROM Employee E      WHERE E.DepartmentID = D.DepartmentID      ) A  GO

Слайд 44If you look at the results they produced, it is

the exact same result-set; not only that even the execution

plan for these queries are similar to each other and has equal query cost, as you can see in the image below. So what is the use of APPLY operator?  How does it differ from a JOIN and how does it help in writing more efficient queries. I will discuss this later, but first let me show you an example of OUTER APPLY also.
If you look at the results they produced, it is the exact same result-set; not only that

Слайд 45SELECT * FROM Department D OUTER APPLY    (    SELECT * FROM Employee E    WHERE E.DepartmentID = D.DepartmentID    ) A GO SELECT * FROM Department D LEFT OUTER JOIN Employee E ON D.DepartmentID = E.DepartmentID GO


SELECT * FROM Department D  OUTER APPLY     (     SELECT * FROM Employee E     WHERE E.DepartmentID = D.DepartmentID     ) A  GO  SELECT * FROM Department D  LEFT OUTER JOIN Employee E ON D.DepartmentID = E.DepartmentID

Слайд 46Even though the above two queries return the same information,

the execution plan is a bit different. Although cost wise

there is not much difference, the query with the OUTER APPLY uses a Compute Scalar operator (which has an estimated operator cost of 0.0000103 or almost 0% of total query cost) before Nested Loops operator to evaluate and produce the columns of Employee table.
Even though the above two queries return the same information, the execution plan is a bit different.

Слайд 47Now comes the time to see where the APPLY operator

is really required. In Script #4, I am creating a

table-valued function which accepts DepartmentID as its parameter and returns all the employees who belong to this department.
The next query selects data from Department table and uses CROSS APPLY to join with the function we created. 
It passes the DepartmentID for each row from the outer table expression (in our case Department table) and evaluates the function for each row similar to a correlated subquery.
The next query uses the OUTER APPLY in place of CROSS APPLY and hence unlike CROSS APPLY which returned only correlated data, the OUTER APPLY returns non-correlated data as well, placing NULLs into the missing columns.
Now comes the time to see where the APPLY operator is really required. In Script #4, I

Слайд 48APPLY with table-valued function
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID(N'[fn_GetAllEmployeeOfADepartment]') AND type IN (N'IF')) BEGIN    DROP FUNCTION dbo.fn_GetAllEmployeeOfADepartment END GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_GetAllEmployeeOfADepartment(@DeptID AS INT) 

RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN    (    SELECT * FROM Employee E    WHERE E.DepartmentID = @DeptID    ) GO SELECT * FROM Department D CROSS APPLY dbo.fn_GetAllEmployeeOfADepartment(D.DepartmentID)

GO SELECT * FROM Department D OUTER APPLY dbo.fn_GetAllEmployeeOfADepartment(D.DepartmentID) GO
APPLY with table-valued function IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID(N'[fn_GetAllEmployeeOfADepartment]') AND type IN (N'IF'))  BEGIN     DROP FUNCTION dbo.fn_GetAllEmployeeOfADepartment  END  GO  CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_GetAllEmployeeOfADepartment(@DeptID AS INT)   RETURNS TABLE

Слайд 50So now if you are wondering, can we use a

simple join in place of the above queries?
Then the

answer is NO, if you replace CROSS/OUTER APPLY in the above queries with INNER JOIN/LEFT OUTER JOIN, specify ON clause (something as 1=1) and run the query, you will get "The multi-part identifier "D.DepartmentID" could not be bound."  error.
This is because with JOINs the execution context of outer query is different from the execution context of the function (or a derived table), and you can not bind a value/variable from the outer query to the function as a parameter. 
Hence the APPLY operator is required for such queries.
So now if you are wondering, can we use a simple join in place of the above

Слайд 51APPLY with Dynamic Management Function (DMF)
USE master GO SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS [Database], [text] AS [Query]  FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r

CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.plan_handle) st WHERE session_Id > 50           
-- Consider spids for users only, no system spids. AND session_Id NOT IN (@@SPID)  
-- Don't include request from current spid.
Please note the [text] column in the

above query returns the all queries submitted in a batch; if you want to see only active (currently executing) query you can use statement_start_offset and statement_end_offset columns to trim the active part of the query.
APPLY with Dynamic Management Function (DMF) USE master  GO  SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS [Database], [text] AS [Query]   FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r  CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.plan_handle) st  WHERE session_Id > 50           -- Consider spids for users only, no system spids.

Слайд 52TOP
Along the way to making this solution work we'll discuss

a few new features of SQL Server 2005.
The first

is that the TOP clause can now take a variable:

DECLARE @Rows INTSET @Rows = 10

SELECT TOP ( @Rows ) *FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader

This will return the top 10 rows from SalesOrderHeader.
You can also replace @Rows with anything that evaluates to a number. The following query looks odd but runs just fine:

TOPAlong the way to making this solution work we'll discuss a few new features of SQL Server

Слайд 53SELECT TOP (

FROM Sales.Customer

) *
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader

There are 19,185 rows in the Customer table and this query returns the top 19,185 rows from SalesOrderHeader.
You can also use the TOP clause for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements.
If you wanted to DELETE in batches of 500 you can now do that using the TOP clause.

SELECT TOP ( 	    SELECT COUNT(*)	    FROM Sales.Customer

Слайд 54Next we need a function to return the TOP X

rows from SalesOrderHeader based on the total sales amount. That

function looks like this:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_GetTopOrders(@custid AS int, @n AS INT)
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
WHERE CustomerID = @custid

My Function

Next we need a function to return the TOP X rows from SalesOrderHeader based on the total

Слайд 55Notice that it accepts the number of orders to return

as a parameter.
Also notice that I'm using SELECT *

all over the place. I really encourage you to explicitly list out the columns when you write this for real.
If you call this with a CustomerID and a number of rows it will return that many rows ordered by the total amount of the order in descending order.
Also notice that there is an ORDER BY clause in this function.
Notice that it accepts the number of orders to return as a parameter. Also notice that I'm

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