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Leonardo daVinci

Leonardo da Vinchi-Italian artist (painter, sculptor, architect) and scientist (anatomist, naturalist), inventor, writer, one of the leading representatives of the art of the High Renaissance, a vivid example of the "universal

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Слайд 1Leonardo daVinci

Leonardo daVinci

Слайд 2Leonardo da Vinchi-
Italian artist (painter, sculptor, architect) and scientist (anatomist,

naturalist), inventor, writer, one of the leading representatives of the

art of the High Renaissance, a vivid example of the "universal man"
He literally turned the idea of people in all aspects of life. He truly deserves to be called a genius. The greatest figures of his era

Leonardo da Vinchi

"Ask for advice from someone who knows how to win a victory over himself"

Leonardo da Vinchi-Italian artist (painter, sculptor, architect) and scientist (anatomist, naturalist), inventor, writer, one of the leading

Слайд 3Biography
Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in

the picturesque Tuscan town of Vinci. His parents were 25-year-old

notary Piero and his beloved, a peasant Caterina. The first years of life of Leonardo spent with her mother. His father soon married a rich and noble girl, but the marriage was childless, and Piero took his three sons to raise. Separated from the mother of Leonardo lifetime trying to recreate her image in their masterpieces.

The town of Vinci near Florence

BiographyLeonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in the picturesque Tuscan town of Vinci. His

Слайд 4When Leonardo was 13 years old, his stepmother died in

childbirth. Father Leonardo had lived 78 years, was married four

times and had 12 children. He tried to attach to the Leonardo family profession, but to no avail: the son was not interested in the laws of society.

While his father was lost at work, the boy brought up by his uncle Francesco. He was a philosopher by temperament and thinking slacker by occupation. The spirit of freedom, childhood grafted Leonardo Francesco frivolous dreamer may subsequently prompted the artist to throw the unfinished masterpiece and aspire to new heights.

autograph Leonardo

The house in which he lived as a child Leonardo.

When Leonardo was 13 years old, his stepmother died in childbirth. Father Leonardo had lived 78 years,

Слайд 5"Who knows everything, he can do everything. Only be found

- and the wings will be! "
At the age of

fourteen Leonardo was sent to study in the studio of Verrocchio, who was the intellectual center of the then Italian city of Florence, which allowed Leonardo to learn the humanities, as well as to acquire some technical skills. He studied drawing, chemistry, metallurgy, working with metal, gypsum and skin. In addition, the young apprentice was engaged in painting, sculpture and modeling.
In 1473 at the age of 20 years, Leonardo da Vinci qualified as master in the Guild of St. Luke.

workshop Verroko

Слайд 6Leonardo had many friends and students.
He was not married.
He had

his own workshop in Florence
  in 1476-1481, respectively.
In 1481, da

Vinci performed my first big order - altarpiece "The Adoration of the Magi" for the monastery, located near Florence.
In 1482 Leonardo, being, according to Vasari, a very talented musician, created a silver lyre in the shape of a horse's head.

"Decries his friend in private and praise in public"

Leonardo had many friends and students.He was not married.He had his own workshop in Florence  in 1476-1481,

Слайд 7Monument Leonardo da Vinci

Monument Leonardo da Vinci is set in

the middle of the area of La Scala in 1872.

Work of the sculptor Pietro Magni.
The monument is a pedestal on which stands the Leonardo da Vinci. Below Leonardo da Vinci are four of his disciples.

Milan, La Scala Square

Monument Leonardo da VinciMonument Leonardo da Vinci is set in the middle of the area of La

Слайд 8Картины
Our contemporaries Leonardo is known primarily as a painter. However,

the da Vinci in different periods of his life, he

considered himself primarily as an engineer or scientist. He gave the visual arts are not a lot of time and worked slowly. Therefore, the artistic legacy of Leonardo not quantitatively large and the number of his works has been lost or severely damaged. However, its contribution to world culture is extremely important, even against the background of a cohort of geniuses who gave the Italian Renaissance.

"Where the spirit does not drive the hand of the artist, there is no art"

КартиныOur contemporaries Leonardo is known primarily as a painter. However, the da Vinci in different periods of

Слайд 9Annunciation
1472-1475 years. The Uffizi Gallery, Florence. high Renaissance.

Annunciation1472-1475 years. The Uffizi Gallery, Florence. high Renaissance.

Слайд 10Leonardo da Vinci
Portrait of Mrs. Lisa Giocondo
Mona Lisa, 1503-1519

Leonardo da VinciPortrait of Mrs. Lisa GiocondoMona Lisa, 1503-1519

Слайд 11Benois Madonna
Madonna Litta
"Madonna with a Flower" and "Madonna and


Benois Madonna  1478-1480Madonna Litta1490-1491

Слайд 12Fresco by Leonardo da Vinci, depicting scenes of the Last

Supper of Christ with his disciples.

Fresco by Leonardo da Vinci, depicting scenes of the Last Supper of Christ with his disciples.

Слайд 13Portrait of a Musician

Portrait of a Musician.

Слайд 14«Дама с горностаем» (итал. Dama con l'ermellino) - картина, принадлежащая

кисти Леонардо да Винчи. По мнению многих исследователей, это портрет

Чечилии Галлерани — девушки Лодовико Сфорца по прозванию Иль Моро, герцога миланского, что находит подтверждение в сложной символике картины.
Картина является единственным произведением да Винчи на территории Польши и составляет предмет национальной гордости.
Наряду с «Моной Лизой», «Портретом Джиневры де Бенчи» и «Прекрасной Ферроньерой» полотно принадлежит к числу четырёх женских портретов кисти Леонардо.

Дама с горностаем

«Дама с горностаем» (итал. Dama con l'ermellino) - картина, принадлежащая кисти Леонардо да Винчи. По мнению многих

Слайд 15invention
Leonardo da Vinci - one of the most versatile personalities

in the history of the Italian Renaissance. On it is

written a lot, but so far it is the most enigmatic figure of the time. He was able to glorify himself as a great artist and a predictor, but most striking his amazing inventions.

"I want to
create miracles "

inventionLeonardo da Vinci - one of the most versatile personalities in the history of the Italian Renaissance.

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