Разделы презентаций

Lesson 3

Let’s revise your hometask3.1 What are these people doing? Write sentences using have

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Lesson 3

Lesson 3

Слайд 2Let’s revise your hometask

3.1 What are these people doing? Write

sentences using have

Let’s revise your hometask3.1 What are these people doing? Write sentences using have

Слайд 33.2 Match the phrases using have on the left with

the explanations on the right
Have an appointment
Have a go

a good time
Have a word with someone
Have the time to do something

Enjoy something
Be free to do something
Try something
Must be somewhere at a fixed time
Speak to someone

3.2 Match the phrases using have on the left with the explanations on the right  Have

Слайд 43.3. Fill the gaps with the correct form of have,

have to or have got
1. I asked for stamps

in the shop but they ______ ______ any so I _____ _____ go to the post office.
2. I _____ a headache yesterday so I didn’t go to class.
3. ______ you ______ a dictionary? Can I ______ a look at it please?
4. Everyone ______ ______ pay forb the school trip seven days before we leave. That means we ______ ______ just three days before we ______ ______ pay.
5. Do you ______ a moment? I’d like to ask you a question.
6. I _____ my hair cut yesterday. Do you like it?

3.3. Fill the gaps with the correct form of have, have to or have got 1. I

Слайд 53.4 What can you say using have? Fill in the

1. (Someone is leaving for the airport to fly to

New York) Bye-bye! ________ !
2. (Someone shows you a new mobile phone with computer games on it) Wow! Can I ______ ?
3. (Someone says they have just got their holiday photographs from the photo shop) Can I ______ ?
4. (Someone is going out for the evening to a restaurant, then to a party) Bye! ______ !
5. (You want to speak to someone about something important) Can ________ ?
3.4 What can you say using have? Fill in the gaps.1. (Someone is leaving for the airport

Слайд 63.5 Fill in the gaps
1. We had a _____ in

the new Chinese restaurant yesterday.
2. I have a _____ with

the boss at 10.30, but I can see you at 11 o’clock.
3. She has an _____ at the doctor’s at 5 p.m. today.
4. In our English classes, we have _____ every day after the lesson and we have an _____ at the end of every term.

3.5 Fill in the gaps1. We had a _____ in the new Chinese restaurant yesterday.2. I have

Слайд 7Let’s revise
Кем ты работаешь? Я…
Администратор (регистратор)
Ученик (студент)

Let’s reviseКем ты работаешь? Я…УчительМедсестраПарикмахерПилотДокторВетеринарПочтальонАдминистратор (регистратор)Ученик (студент)

Слайд 8Let’s revise
Италия – Итальянец
Канада – Канадец
Бразилия – Бразилец
Турция – Турок

– Поляк
Британия – Британец
Америка – Американец
Китай – Китаец
Греция – Грек

– Аргентинец
Откуда ты? Я из…
Кто ты по национальности? Я…

Let’s reviseИталия – ИтальянецКанада – КанадецБразилия – БразилецТурция – ТурокПольша – ПолякБритания – БританецАмерика – АмериканецКитай –

Слайд 17Places in town

Places in town14.11.18

Слайд 18Go-Went-Gone


Слайд 21Future plans
Be going to is often used for plans for

the future:
On Saturday Jan is going to visit his aunt.

On Sunday we’re going to stay at home.
On Monday I’m going to meet Sam at the restaurant.
Future plansBe going to is often used for plans for the future:On Saturday Jan is going to

Слайд 22Where are these people going? Follow the lines

Where are these people going? Follow the lines

Слайд 23Monday – play tennis with Rose
Tuesday – write to Ivan

– watch the world cup on TV
Thursday – have a

tennis lesson
Friday – go to the cinema
Saturday – have lunch at the café
Sunday – go for a walk with friends

On Monday Alison is going to play tennis with Rose.
On Tuesday ...
On Wednesday …
On Thursday …
On Friday …
On Saturday …
On Sunday …

Monday – play tennis with RoseTuesday – write to IvanWednesday – watch the world cup on TVThursday

Слайд 24Hometask
Exercises 1-4 (go-went-gone)
Read and translate Do-Did-Done
Exercise 1,2 (to be)

HometaskExercises 1-4 (go-went-gone)Read and translate Do-Did-DoneExercise 1,2 (to be)

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