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Lion - king of beasts

Львы-lionA lion is a predatory animal. It feeds on meat. The lion is the king of beasts. Unusual behavior: the lion is a social animal ,all his life he spends in

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Слайд 1Lion - king of beasts

Lion - king of beasts

Слайд 2Львы-lion
A lion is a predatory animal. It feeds on meat.

The lion is the king of beasts. Unusual behavior: the

lion is a social animal ,all his life he spends in the pack; they hunt lions, too, flock.
Львы-lionA lion is a predatory animal. It feeds on meat. The lion is the king of beasts.

Слайд 3The reason for assigning such a high title - the

king of beasts was probably its unusual phenotype: a unique

sexual deformity lions - the males are decorated with a truly Royal manes. A luxuriant mane is fully formed males when they reach age 5 - 6 years.
The reason for assigning such a high title - the king of beasts was probably its unusual

Слайд 4 However, lion, this and not the most a

major cat. Over time, in the Western part of the

area, these prehistoric beasts have formed a type of cave lion (from lion), and in the Eastern part formed the type of the tiger.
However, lion, this and not the most a major cat. Over time, in the Western

Слайд 5 With the young lions before the onset of

sexual maturity (and females until the appearance of the calves)

are preserved traces of a spotted pattern, decorating small cubs. And lions, and the lionesses at the end of the tail has a conspicuous brush - it is allocated the last of their vertebrae.
With the young lions before the onset of sexual maturity (and females until the appearance

Слайд 6Thank you for listening!

Thank you for listening!

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