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lnternational Marketing Chapter 9 Global Price Decision


Global pricingGlobal pricing strategies Global pricing decisions

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Слайд 1lnternational Marketing

Chapter 9
Global Price Decision

lnternational MarketingChapter 9Global Price Decision

Слайд 2
Global pricing
Global pricing strategies
Global pricing decisions

Global pricingGlobal pricing strategies Global pricing decisions

Слайд 3 A. Global Pricing

What is price?
The amount of money charged

for a product or service,or the sum of the values

that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service.
A. Global PricingWhat is price?The amount of money charged for a product or service,or the sum

Слайд 4Global pricing is one of the most critical and

complex issues that a global firms face.

Price is the only

marketing mix instrument that creates revenues. All other elements entail costs.A company’s global pricing policy may make or break its overseas expansion efforts.

Multinationals also face the challenge of how to coordinate their pricing policy across different countries.

Global pricing is one of the most critical and  complex issues that a global firms face.Price

Слайд 6Factors affecting global price

Factors affecting global price

Слайд 71.Pricing objectives
Pricing objectives give direction to the whole pricing process.

Determining what your objectives are is the first step in


When deciding on pricing objectives you must consider: the overall financial, marketing, and strategic objectives of the company; the objectives of your product or brand; consumer price elasticity and price points; and the resources you have available.

1.Pricing objectivesPricing objectives give direction to the whole pricing process. Determining what your objectives are is the

Слайд 8enhance the image of the firm, brand, or product

short-run profit
increase sales volume (quantity)
increase market share

maintain price leadership
desensitize customers to price
discourage new entrants into the industry
enhance the image of the firm, brand, or product maximize short-run profit increase sales volume (quantity) increase

Слайд 92. Cost
Include fix and viriable costs associated with the product.


involves more steps and substantially higher risks than domestic marketing.

To cover the incremental costs (shipping, insurance, labor,promotion etc), the final foreign retailprice will often be much higher than the domestic retail price.

2. Cost Include fix and viriable costs associated with the product.Exporting involves more steps and substantially higher

Слайд 103.Demand
Demand is a important element of global pricing

If demand of the host country is strong. The price

of product might be higher in that country.
3.Demand Demand is a important element of global pricing   If demand of the host country

Слайд 124. Competitors
Pricing decisions are also bounded by competitive action. If

competitors are manufacturing or sourcing in a lower costs country,

it may be necessary to cut prices to stay competitive.
4. CompetitorsPricing decisions are also bounded by competitive action. If competitors are manufacturing or sourcing in a

Слайд 135. Environment
Currency fluctuations (exchange rate)
Government policy (tariff )

5. EnvironmentCurrency fluctuations (exchange rate)InflationGovernment policy (tariff )

Слайд 14When currency fluctuation occurs, there are two options for pricing:

one is to fix the price of products in country

target market. In this case, any appreciation or depreciation of the value of the currency in the country of production will lead to gain or losses for the seller.

The other option is to fix the price of products in home country currency. If it is done, any appreciation or depreciation of the home country currency will result in price increases or decreases for customers and no immediate consequences for the seller.
When currency fluctuation occurs, there are two options for pricing: one is to fix the price of

Слайд 15Inflation is a worldwide phenomenon. Inflation requires periodic adjustments. These

adjustments are caused by rising costs that must be covered

by increased selling prices.

An essential requirement when pricing in an inflationary environment is the maintenance of operating profit margins.
Inflation is a worldwide phenomenon. Inflation requires periodic adjustments. These adjustments are caused by rising costs that

Слайд 16Tariff
A tariff is a tax placed on imported goods. Each

country has separate tariff regulations. WHY?

Tariff increases government funds. For

example, countries that do not grow bananas may create a tariff on importing bananas. The government would then make money from businesses that import bananas.
TariffA tariff is a tax placed on imported goods. Each country has separate tariff regulations. WHY?Tariff increases

Слайд 17 It is also used to raise the price of

imported goods .

A higher tariff allows a local

company to compete with foreign competition.

When no tariff or other restrictions are placed on imported goods, it is called free trade.
It is also used to raise the price of imported goods .  A higher tariff

Слайд 19CASE 1
175+ 10% tariff+ 30%Consumption tax tax+ others=275

275+ 5%Operation

tax+17%Value added tax+others=540

CASE 1 175+ 10% tariff+ 30%Consumption tax tax+ others=275275+ 5%Operation tax+17%Value added tax+others=540

Слайд 21B. Global pricing strategies
Cost -Based Pricing
Demand-Based Pricing
Competition-Based Pricing

B. Global pricing strategiesCost -Based PricingDemand-Based PricingCompetition-Based Pricing

Слайд 221. Cost -Based Pricing
Cost – plus pricing

First calculates the cost

of the product, then includes an
additional amount to represent profit.

(average variable cost + allocation of
fixed costs)*(1+ markup%).
1. Cost -Based PricingCost – plus pricingFirst calculates the cost of the product, then includes anadditional amount

Слайд 23If a business sells a microwave that has a variable

cost of $15.00, a fixed cost allocation of $5, and

a desired markup of 30%

The price of the microwave using this method would be ($15 + $5)*(1+0.30), or $26.

If a business sells a microwave that has a variable cost of $15.00, a fixed cost allocation

Слайд 24Dumping
Dumping is the act of charging a lower

price for a good in a foreign market than one

charges for the same good in a domestic market. This is often referred to as selling at less than "fair value".

Anti dumping is a measure to rectify the situation arising out of the dumping of goods and its trade distortive effect. Thus, the purpose of anti dumping duty is to rectify the trade distortive effect of dumping and re-establish fair trade.

Dumping  Dumping is the act of charging a lower price for a good in a foreign

Слайд 25Think about…

Think about…

Слайд 26B. Demand based pricing
1.Value- Based Pricing
It sets selling

prices on the perceived value to the customer, rather than

on the actual cost of the product, the market price, competitors prices, or the historical price.

2.discriminating pricing
B. Demand based pricing1.Value- Based Pricing  It sets selling prices on the perceived value to the

Слайд 27

Value- Based Pricing

Cost based pricing

Value-based pricing











Value- Based

Слайд 29Discriminating pricing

Discriminating pricingTime

Слайд 30Place

PlaceSupermarketRestaurant PUB,KTV

Слайд 31C. Competition -Based Pricing

C. Competition -Based PricingGoing-ratepricingSealed-bidpricing

Слайд 32C. Global pricing decisions
Portfolio Pricing
Promotional Pricing
Psychological Pricing

C. Global pricing decisionsPortfolio PricingPromotional Pricing Psychological Pricing

Слайд 331.Portfolio Pricing
The term portfolio refers to any collection

of financial assets. It is a generally accepted principle that

a portfolio is designed according to the investor's risk tolerance, time frame and investment objectives.
1.Portfolio Pricing   The term portfolio refers to any collection of financial assets. It is a

Слайд 382. Promotional Pricing
Buy one , Get one free

2. Promotional Pricing Buy one , Get one free

Слайд 39


Слайд 403. Psychological Pricing

4.99 VS 5

2400 VS 2399.95

3. Psychological Pricing 4.99 VS 52400 VS 2399.95

Слайд 41Transfer pricing
Transfer pricing refers to the prices paid

for goods, services and financing among related entities .

These could be payments among divisions within a company, or payments between a company and a subsidiary or joint-venture partner. Such transactions often occur across international boundaries
Transfer pricing  Transfer pricing refers to the prices paid for goods, services and financing among related

Слайд 42Multinational enterprises are growing in number
and complexity and

are increasingly integrating
their operations globally.

It may operate

in countries with different tax rates, import duties, etc Transfer price will affect the profit of the divisions involved. It should be set to minimize profits in high-tax countries and maximize them in low-tax countries

Multinational enterprises are growing in number  and complexity and are increasingly integrating  their operations globally.

Слайд 43Summary
Global pricing
Global pricing strategies
Global pricing decisions
Transfer pricing

SummaryGlobal pricingGlobal pricing strategies Global pricing decisionsTransfer pricing

Слайд 44Reference




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