Peat – considered as a precursor of coal, has industrial importance as a fuel in some countries. In its dehydrated form, peat is a
Lignite – this is a brownish-black coal with high moisture and ash content, which has the lowest heating value of the all types of coal. It is considered an “immature” coal that is still soft. It is used for generating electricity.
highly effective absorbent for fuel and oil spills on land and water. It is also used as a conditioner for soil to make it more able to retain and slowly release water.
Hard coal or Bituminous coal – it is the most commonly used type of coal for electric power generation. It is a dark coal that has a higher heating value than lignite and subbituminous coal, but a lower heating value than anthracite.
Anthracite – this is coal that was formed from bituminous coal under increased pres-sures in rock strata during the creation of mountain ranges. This type of coal is the most compact and therefore, has the highest energy content of the all levels of coal. It is used for space heating and generating electricity.
Coal is used primarily as an energy source, either for heat or electricity. It was once heavily used to heat homes and power loco-motives and factories. Bituminous coal is also used to produce coke for making steel and other industrial process heating.
Coal gasification and coal liquefaction (coal-to-liquids) are also possible uses of coal for producing synthetic fuel.
Oil wells are drilled as deep as ten kilometers into the Earth to search for petroleum. These wells can cost millions of dollars to
drill, drilling is done because petroleum is a valuable natural resource. Although the major use of petroleum is as a fuel (it often use to generate electricity), there are many other uses as well.
Wax paraffin comes from petroleum, as do fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, detergents, phonograph records, photog-raphic film, furniture, packaging mate-rials, surfboards, paints and artificial fibers used in clothing, upholstery, and carpets.
Petroleum is used principally as a source of fuel and lubrica-ting oils. Only when these reserves of oil are restricted or threate-ned does the average person begin to realize their importance.
Natural gas is found in deep un-derground natural rock formations or associated with other hydrocar-bon reservoirs, in coal beds, and as methane clathrates (or methane hydrate). Often petroleum is also found near natural gas deposits.
The by-products of processing include ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes, and higher molecular weight hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulphide (which may be converted into pure sulfur), carbon
dioxide, water vapor, and sometimes helium and nitrogen.
Natural gas is often informally called to simply as gas, especially when compared to other energy sources such as oil or coal.
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