Разделы презентаций

Management, marketing and MY EGYPT advertisements hotels, restaurants

Management, marketing and MY EGYPT advertisements hotels, restaurants

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 Management, marketing and

advertisements hotels, restaurants magazine
and tourism companies and the for the first time in
creation of a global brand, via the Russia will create a
internet and mobile phones, radio Magazine of Egypt
and television, magazines, local and global.

Ali fathy
general director
facebook : ali mansor tel.+7(929)574-05-52
E-mail – my.egypt@mail.com www.my.egypt2013.ru

Management, marketing and

Слайд 2

Management, marketing and

advertisements hotels, restaurants magazine
and tourism companies and the for the first time in
creation of a global brand, via the Russia will create a
internet and mobile phones, radio Magazine of Egypt
and television, magazines, local and global.

Ali fathy
general director facebook : ali mansor tel.+7(929)574-05-52 E-mail – my.egypt@mail.com www.my.egypt2013.ru

Management, marketing and

Слайд 3 for the first time in

Russia will create

a magazine Magazine of Egypt
Ali fathi
general director
tel. +7 (929)574-05-52
+7 (926)802-52-00
E-mail- my.egypt@mail.com

for the first time in          MY EGYPT

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