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Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher (Margaret Robins) was born in Grantham on 13 October 1925. Her father had a grocer's shop but he was also very interested in local politics.

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Слайд 1Margaret Thatcher
Подготовила ученица 7 класс МБОУ СОШ №8 Ян Яна

Margaret Thatcher  Подготовила ученица 7 класс МБОУ СОШ №8 Ян Яна

Слайд 2Margaret Thatcher (Margaret Robins) was born in Grantham on 13

October 1925. Her father had a grocer's shop but he

was also very interested in local politics.
Margaret Thatcher (Margaret Robins) was born in Grantham on 13 October 1925. Her father had a grocer's

Слайд 3 Margaret was a good student and won a scholarship to

Oxford to study chemistry  She graduated from Oxford in 1947

as a Chemistry Bachelor of Science degree
 Margaret was a good student and won a scholarship to Oxford to study chemistry  She graduated from

Слайд 4She worked as a research chemist until she met and

married Denis Thatcher, a successful businessman.
Thatcher’s twins: Carol and Mark

She worked as a research chemist until she met and married Denis Thatcher, a successful businessman.Thatcher’s twins:

Слайд 5.
She was already involved in politics and gave up law

when she was elected to the Parliament in 1959. From

1970 to 1974 she was Secretary of State for Education. In 1975 she became leader of the Conservative Party which was the Opposition. In 1979 she beat the Labour Party and took office as Prime Minister, Britain's first woman Prime Minister.
.She was already involved in politics and gave up law when she was elected to the Parliament

Слайд 6After the victory in the Falklands, she had an image

of a strong, authoritative leader. In the 1983 election campaign,

she won with a large majority of votes. In 1987 she won her third term as Prime Minister
After the victory in the Falklands, she had an image of a strong, authoritative leader. In the

Слайд 7A Soviet journalist called her the "Iron Lady", a nickname that

became associated with her uncompromising politics and leadership style. 

A Soviet journalist called her the

Слайд 8As a leader of the Conservative Party, Thatcher made history

as the first female prime minister.

As a leader of the Conservative Party, Thatcher made history as the first female prime minister.

Слайд 9She was the longest-serving British Prime Minister of the 20th


She was the longest-serving British Prime Minister of the 20th century.

Слайд 10Ссылки на сайты с информацией.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Thatcher ;

Ссылки на сайты с информацией.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Thatcher ;http://www.biography.com/people/margaret-thatcher-9504796?page=1

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