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Marking Punctuation


Hey! Wait a minute! I forgot to put punctuation marks to what I just wrote. Well, we can correct that when we finish the lesson.Good morning class Today were going to

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Marking Punctuation

Marking Punctuation

Слайд 2Hey! Wait a minute! I forgot to put punctuation marks

to what I just wrote. Well, we can correct that

when we finish the lesson.

Good morning class Today were going to study punctuation marks I have some assistants who will be helping with todays lesson so lets start Ready Set Go

Hey! Wait a minute! I forgot to put punctuation marks to what I just wrote. Well, we

Слайд 3Ok. Let’s begin our lesson. While you watch the presentation

take notes. You’ll be quizzed at the end.

Ok. Let’s begin our lesson. While you watch the presentation take notes. You’ll be quizzed at the

Слайд 4A Period
A period is used to end a sentence. It

is also used after initials, after abbreviations, and as a

decimal point.
A PeriodA period is used to end a sentence. It is also used after initials, after abbreviations,

Слайд 5To End a Sentence
Computers are getting smaller.

To End a SentenceExample:Computers are getting smaller.

Слайд 6After an Initial
J. K. Rowling

After an InitialExample:J. K. Rowling

Слайд 7After Abbreviation

After AbbreviationExample: Mr.Mrs.Dr.

Слайд 8As a Decimal
Roberto is 99.9 percent
sure that it

costs $2.50 to
get into the movies today.

As a DecimalExample: Roberto is 99.9 percent sure that it costs $2.50 to get into the movies

Слайд 9Question Mark
A question mark is used after a direct question

(an interrogative sentence) and to show doubt about the correctness

of something.
Question MarkA question mark is used after a direct question (an interrogative sentence) and to show doubt

Слайд 10Direct Question
Did you go to the movies last night?

Direct QuestionExample:Did you go to the movies last night?

Слайд 11Correctness
You’ll se virtual reality TV shows by the year 2006


A question mark is placed in parentheses to show that

the writer isn’t sure a fact is correct.
CorrectnessExample:You’ll se virtual reality TV shows by the year 2006 *(?)A question mark is placed in parentheses

Слайд 12Exclamation Point
An exclamation point is used to express strong feeling.

It may be placed after a word, a phrase, or

a sentence.
Exclamation PointAn exclamation point is used to express strong feeling. It may be placed after a word,

Слайд 13Exclamation Point
Happy birthday!
Wow! That’s great!
That new program is awesome!

Exclamation PointExample:Happy birthday!Excellent!Wow! That’s great!That new program is awesome!

Слайд 14Apostrophe
An apostrophe is used to form plurals, to show that

a letter or letters have
been left out of a

word, or to show possession.
ApostropheAn apostrophe is used to form plurals, to show that a letter or letters have been left

Слайд 15To Form Plurals
A’s (letter)
8’s (number)
+’s (sign)

To Form Plurals				Example: 				A’s (letter)				8’s (number)				+’s (sign)

Слайд 16 In Contractions
Contraction Short For
don’t do not

it’s it

is; it has
they’ll they will
they’re they are
In Contractions	Contraction	Short For	  don’t		  do not

Слайд 17In Singular Possessive
My sister’s hobby is jazz dancing.

In Singular Possessive	Example:				My sister’s hobby is jazz dancing.

Слайд 18Comma
Commas are used to keep words and ideas from running

together, making
your writing easier to read. Commas tell the reader

where to pause.
CommaCommas are used to keep words and ideas from running together, makingyour writing easier to read. Commas

Слайд 19Items in a Series
I know someone who likes pepperoni,

pineapple, and olives on her pizza. (words)

Items in a SeriesExample: I know someone who likes pepperoni, pineapple, and olives on her pizza. 							(words)

Слайд 20Items in a Series (phrases)
In summer I like to

go skateboarding, ride my bike, and play basketball.

Items in a Series (phrases)Example: In summer I like to go skateboarding, ride my bike, and play

Слайд 21In Dates and Addresses
We are having our next reunion

on July 4, 2006, at The Ritz Carlton.

In Dates and AddressesExample: 	We are having our next reunion 	on July 4, 2006, at The Ritz

Слайд 22In Dates and Addresses
His new address is 3344 South

First Street , San Juan, PR 00923.

In Dates and AddressesExample: 	His new address is 3344 South 	First Street , San Juan, PR 00923.

Слайд 23Parentheses
Parentheses are used around words included in a sentence to

add information.

ParenthesesParentheses are used around words included in a sentence to add information.

Слайд 24To Add Information
The map (figure 2) will help you

understand the explorer’s route.

To Add InformationExample: The map (figure 2) will help you understand the explorer’s route.

Слайд 25Quotation Marks
Quotation marks are used to enclose the exact words

of the speaker and to show that words are used

in a special way.
Quotation MarksQuotation marks are used to enclose the exact words of the speaker and to show that

Слайд 26Direct Quotations
“Rosa Parks is a true American hero,” the teacher

reminded her students.

Direct QuotationsExample:“Rosa Parks is a true American hero,” the teacher reminded her students.

Слайд 27Special Words
My family likes to go to Piñones to eat

“alcapurrias” and “bacalaitos”.

Special WordsExample:My family likes to go to Piñones to eat “alcapurrias” and “bacalaitos”.

Слайд 28Colon
A colon is used in a sentence to introduce a

list or draw attention to information that follows. Colons are

also used between the numbers in time.

ColonA colon is used in a sentence to introduce a list or draw attention to information that

Слайд 29To Introduce a List
Motorcycles are used for the following reasons

: transportation, recreation, and racing events.

To Introduce a ListExample:Motorcycles are used for the following reasons : transportation, recreation, and racing events.

Слайд 30After a Salutation
Dear Ms. Pérez :

After a SalutationExample:Dear Ms. Pérez :

Слайд 31Between Numbers in Time
The race begins at 1 : 30


Between Numbers in TimeExample:The race begins at 1 : 30 p.m.

Слайд 32Well, I hope you learned how to use punctuation marks

and their names. But before we finish here, let’s see

if you can correct what I wote on the board at the beginning.
Well, I hope you learned how to use punctuation marks and their names. But before we finish

Слайд 33Are you ready to correct? Begin!
Good morning class Today were

going to study punctuation marks I have some assistants who

will be helping with todays lesson so lets start Ready Set Go
Are you ready to correct? Begin!Good morning class Today were going to study punctuation marks I have

Слайд 34These are the corrections you should have made.
Good morning class!

Today we’re going to study punctuation marks. I have some

assistants who will be helping with today’s lesson. So let’s start. Ready! Set! Go!
These are the corrections you should have made.Good morning class! Today we’re going to study punctuation marks.

Слайд 35Well, kids. Hope you learned your lesson and if you

have any trouble with punctuation marks you can always visit

the library and log on to the Internet. You’ll find lots of sites explaining the use of each punctuation. See you soon! Bye!
Well, kids. Hope you learned your lesson and if you have any trouble with punctuation marks you

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