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Interests/ HobbiesBasketball, I like to always maintain a good form.Drinking at bars, New Zealand is renowned for its drinking culture .Watching sports any kind(with friends).Comedy on all forms. I love to

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Me!!!!!
Kartik Prasad

Me!!!!!Kartik Prasad

Слайд 2Interests/ Hobbies
Basketball, I like to always maintain a good form.

at bars, New Zealand is renowned for its drinking culture

Watching sports any kind(with friends).
Comedy on all forms. I love to laugh.
Chilling and relaxing all cool.
Interests/ HobbiesBasketball, I like to always maintain a good form.Drinking at bars, New Zealand is renowned for

Слайд 3Likes/Dislikes
Love to go with the flow and have unplanned adventures.

sleeping, if I could sleep all day I would only

be awake for half of the week.

Likes/DislikesLove to go with the flow and have unplanned adventures.Like sleeping, if I could sleep all day

Слайд 4New Zealand
The background of these sides is of the New

Zealand Summer.
This is something I will really miss about my

home as everywhere in New Zealand is very green.

I am so very excited to come to Ukraine!!
So Thank you and see you there!!
New ZealandThe background of these sides is of the New Zealand Summer.This is something I will really

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