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Media and information literacy in a technical university

The difference in the activity of an engineer from representatives of other professional communities of intellectuals (doctors, actors, composers, educators) lies in his role in social production. With his productive work,

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Слайд 1Media and information literacy in a technical university

Media and information literacy in a technical university

Слайд 2The difference in the activity of an engineer from representatives

of other professional communities of intellectuals (doctors, actors, composers, educators)

lies in his role in social production. With his productive work, he creates material values and participates in the creation of national income.
The difference in the activity of an engineer from representatives of other professional communities of intellectuals (doctors,

Слайд 3Modern engineer is first and foremost a specialist of a

new level, freely oriented in the global information space, able

to find, classify, process the necessary technical information from various sources and, on its basis, make efficient decisions. Carry out the necessary calculations and compile the necessary documentation, transmit it with the help of modern information and computer technologies, carry out examination, supervision and control over the state and operation of equipment.
Modern engineer is first and foremost a specialist of a new level, freely oriented in the global

Слайд 4Recently, technical universities have faced a problem - the drop

in the preparation of students in such fundamental sciences as

mathematics and physics. Therefore, often in the first semester, they have to conduct classes in mathematics and physics in the middle school circumference. Consequently, a qualitative engineering education is based on mathematics and physics, the foundations of which are laid in school.
Recently, technical universities have faced a problem - the drop in the preparation of students in such

Слайд 5Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor L.S. Zaznobina developed the "Standard

of Media Education, integrated into the humanities and natural science

disciplines of primary general and secondary general education". The essence of the standard is as follows: media education, integrated into the humanities and natural science school disciplines, is designed to fulfill the function of preparing children for life in the information space by strengthening the media education aspect in the study of various academic disciplines.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor L.S. Zaznobina developed the

Слайд 6Consequently, it is also necessary for technical universities to introduce

media education integrated with academic disciplines to ensure the continuity

of the education process from school to university.

Consequently, it is also necessary for technical universities to introduce media education integrated with academic disciplines to

Слайд 7Summing up, it can be concluded that media and information

literacy in a technical university should contribute to the training

of highly professional engineers, in accordance with the social order of the society, the needs of the labor market, and not to contradict the trends of sociocultural reality.

Summing up, it can be concluded that media and information literacy in a technical university should contribute

Слайд 8Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

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