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Ministry education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan Karaganda State

Plan of lecture:1 Vascular plants origin.2 Peculiarities of vascular plants in comparative with low plants.3 Differences between pore and seed plants.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Ministry education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan
Karaganda State University

named after academician Ye.A. Buketov

Biological and geographical faculty

Botany Department

Course – Botany
Specialty - 5В011300 – «Biology»

Lecture № 16

General characteristic of vascular plants

(1 hour)

Lecturer: candidate of biological science, associated professor
Ishmuratova Margarita Yulaevna
Ministry education and Science of Republic of KazakhstanKaraganda State University named after academician Ye.A. Buketov Biological and

Слайд 2Plan of lecture:

1 Vascular plants origin.
2 Peculiarities of vascular plants

in comparative with low plants.
3 Differences between pore and seed


Plan of lecture:1 Vascular plants origin.2 Peculiarities of vascular plants in comparative with low plants.3 Differences between

Слайд 3Main literatures:
1 Еленевский А.Г., Соловьев М.П., Тихомиров В.Н. Ботаника:

систематика высших, или наземных, растений. 2 изд. - М.: Academіa,

2001. - 429 с.
2 Нестерова С.Г. Лабораторный практикум по систематике растений. - Алматы: Қазақ ун-ті, 2011. - 220 с.
3 Родман А.С. Ботаника. – М.: Колос, 2001. - 328 с.

Additional literatures:
1 Абдрахманов О.А. Систематика низших растений. – Караганда: Изд-во КарГУ, 2009. - 188 с.
2 Билич Г.Л., Крыжановский В.А. Биология. Т. 2: Ботаника. - М.: Оникс 21 век, 2002. - 543 с.
3 Ишмуратова М.Ю. Систематика и интродукция растений (курс лекций). - Караганда: РИО Болашак-Баспа, 2015. - 100 с.
4 Тусупбекова Г.Т. Основы естествознания. Ч. 1. Ботаника. – Астана: Фолиант, 2013. – 321 с.
Main literatures: 1 Еленевский А.Г., Соловьев М.П., Тихомиров В.Н. Ботаника: систематика высших, или наземных, растений. 2 изд.

Слайд 4Kingdom Plantae include about 300 000 species from 9 divisions

– Rhyniophyta, Zosterophyllophyta (died form), Bryophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Psilotophyta, Equisetophyta, Polypodiophyta,

Pinophyta and Magnoliophyta.
They are characterized domination of sporophyte (exept Bryophyta) in life circle, domination of asexual generation, have vascular or tracheas. That why these plants were called vascular plants.
Kingdom Plantae include about 300 000 species from 9 divisions – Rhyniophyta, Zosterophyllophyta (died form), Bryophyta, Lycopodiophyta,

Слайд 5Plant classification (overview)

Plant classification (overview)

Слайд 7Schemes of evolution of vascular plants

Schemes of evolution of vascular plants

Слайд 8Historical stages of development of vascular plants

Historical stages of development of vascular plants

Слайд 9Peculiarities of organization of lower and higher plants

Peculiarities of organization of lower and higher plants

Слайд 14Life circle of living organisms

Life circle of living organisms

Слайд 18Control questions:

1 Why did appear transport tissues at above

ground plants?
2 What are the differences between lower and higher

3 Why higher plants were called vascular plants?
4 Which is leading group of plants present days?
5 Which have theories of evolution of vascular plants origin?
6 What are the differences between spore and seed plants? Between monocots and dicots plants?
Control questions: 1 Why did appear transport tissues at above ground plants?2 What are the differences between

Слайд 19Test question:

Kingdom Plantae includes ….. divisions:
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5

F) 7
G) 8
H) 9
Plants went on soil from water ……years

A) 400 000 000
B) 150 000 000
C) 350 000 000
D) 100 000 000
E) 50 000 000
F) 200 000 000
G) 300 000 000
H) 450 000 000
Test question:Kingdom Plantae includes ….. divisions:A) 2B) 3C) 4D) 5E) 6F) 7G) 8H) 9 Plants went on soil

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