Разделы презентаций

Modern Strategic Analysis

Theme 2. Strategy definition, strategy pyramid. Corporate strategy. Dr. Prof. Aleksandr Kozlov27/09/2016

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Modern Strategic Analysis

Dr. Prof. Aleksandr Kozlov
2016/17 academic year
Fall semester

Modern Strategic Analysis  Dr. Prof. Aleksandr Kozlov2016/17 academic yearFall semester

Слайд 2Theme 2. Strategy definition, strategy pyramid. Corporate strategy.

Dr. Prof.

Aleksandr Kozlov

Theme 2.  Strategy definition, strategy pyramid. Corporate strategy. Dr. Prof. Aleksandr Kozlov27/09/2016

Слайд 3Strategy definition (1)
„..the determination of the long-run goals and objectives

of an enterprise and the adoption of courses of action

and the allocation of resource necessary for carrying out these goals‟ Alfred Chandler
„Competitive strategy is about being different. It means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of value‟ Michael Porter
Sources: A.D. Chandler, Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of American Enterprise, MIT Press, 1963, p. 13
M.E. Porter, „What is strategy?‟, Harvard Business Review, 1996, November–December, p. 60
Strategy definition (1)„..the determination of the long-run goals and objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of

Слайд 4Strategy definition (2)
STRATEGY is the direction an organization takes with

the objective of achieving business success in the long term.

Strategy definition (2)STRATEGY is the direction an organization takes with the objective of achieving business success in

Слайд 5Strategy pyramid

Strategy pyramidCorporate BusinessFunctional

Слайд 6Corporate strategy is a proprietary set of actions that enables

a company to be successful in its multimarket activities in

the long term.
The process of corporate strategy formulation includes setting priorities for development of company’s business units operating in a different markets and decision making about investment, keeping the status quo or withdrawal

Corporate strategy

Corporate strategy is a proprietary set of actions that enables a company to be successful in its

Слайд 7For corporate strategy
the fundamental task is to develop a balanced

portfolio of businesses which will achieve the goals of the

corporation and satisfy its stakeholders.

Corporate strategy

For corporate strategy	the fundamental task is to develop a balanced portfolio of businesses which will achieve the

Слайд 8Corporate Strategy. Tools for analysis of Strategic Business Unit (SBU)

Consulting Group matrix
General Electric matrix

Corporate Strategy.  Tools for analysis of  Strategic Business Unit (SBU)Boston Consulting Group matrix General Electric

Слайд 9Corporate Strategy. Boston Consulting Group matrix
Relative position

(Market share)
Business Growth rate

Corporate Strategy.  Boston Consulting Group matrix  HighLowRelative position     (Market share)Business Growth

Слайд 10Cash Cows
These units generate cash in excess of the amount

of cash needed to maintain the business.
Typically belonging to

a "mature" market, and every corporation would be thrilled to own as many as possible.
They are to be "milked" continuously with as little investment as possible, since such investment would be wasted in an industry with low growth.
Cash CowsThese units generate cash in excess of the amount of cash needed to maintain the business.

Слайд 11Dogs
Low market share in a mature, slow-growing industry.
From an

accounting point of view such a unit is worthless, not

generating cash for the company.
They depress a profitable company's return of assets ratio.
They should be sold off.
DogsLow market share in a mature, slow-growing industry. From an accounting point of view such a unit

Слайд 12Question marks
They are a starting point for most businesses.

Question marks have a potential to gain market share and

become stars, and eventually cash cows when market growth slows.
If question marks do not succeed in becoming a market leader, they will degenerate into dogs when market growth declines.
Question marks must be analyzed carefully in order to determine whether they are worth the investment required to grow market share.
Question marks They are a starting point for most businesses. Question marks have a potential to gain

Слайд 13Stars
Stars are successful question marks and become a market

leader in a high growth sector. .
Require high funding

to fight competitions and maintain a growth rate.
When growth slows, if they have been able to maintain their category leadership stars become cash cows, else they become dogs due to low relative market share.
Stars Stars are successful question marks and become a market leader in a high growth sector. .

Слайд 14Tools for analysis of Strategic Business Unit (SBU) General Electric

Business attractiveness
Business strength
medium high
medium high
medium low
medium low

Tools for analysis of  Strategic Business Unit (SBU)  General Electric matrixBusiness attractivenessBusiness strengthstrongmediumweaklowMediumhighmediumlowmediummedium highmedium highmedium

Слайд 15Business Strength Characteristics

Business Strength Characteristics

Слайд 16Business Attractiveness Characteristics

Business Attractiveness Characteristics

Слайд 17General Electric matrix
Business attractiveness
Business strength
medium high
medium high
medium low
medium low
Segment 1.

The business is strong and the market is attractive. The

company should allocate resources in this business and focus on growing the business and increase market share
General Electric matrixBusiness attractivenessBusiness strengthstrongmediumweaklowMediumhighmediumlowmediummedium highmedium highmedium lowmedium lowhighmediumSegment 1. The business is strong and the market

Слайд 18General Electric matrix
Business attractiveness
Business strength
medium high
medium high
medium low
medium low
Segment 2.

Decision makers should make judgment on how to further deal

with these SBUs. Some of them may consume to much resources and are not promising while others may need additional resources and better strategy for growth.
General Electric matrixBusiness attractivenessBusiness strengthstrongmediumweaklowMediumhighmediumlowmediummedium highmedium highmedium lowmedium lowhighmediumSegment 2. Decision makers should make judgment on how

Слайд 19General Electric matrix
Business attractiveness
Business strength
medium high
medium high
medium low
medium low
Segment 3.

Businesses in this segment are weak and their market is

not attractive. Decision makers should consider either repositioning these SBUs into a different market segment, develop better cost-effective offering, or get rid of these SBUs
General Electric matrixBusiness attractivenessBusiness strengthstrongmediumweaklowMediumhighmediumlowmediummedium highmedium highmedium lowmedium lowhighmediumSegment 3. Businesses in this segment are weak and

Слайд 20Shortcomings of the GE matrix
No generic or simplified criteria for

business strength & uniqueness
Parent company can't use core competencies across

multiple SBUs
Biased criteria can be used for strengths and uniqueness
Difficult to find a location for an SBU on the grid    
Shortcomings of the GE matrixNo generic or simplified criteria for business strength & uniquenessParent company can't use

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