Разделы презентаций

Money transfers

Money transferscash drives it is a money transfer form on bank or post system. at structure of money transfer there are the sender, a receiver and the intermediary. the intermediary collects

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Money transfers

Lusta Kate

IBM 5-62

Money transfers Lusta Kate IBM 5-62

Слайд 2Money transfers
cash drives it is a money transfer form on

bank or post system. at structure of money transfer there

are the sender, a receiver and the intermediary. the intermediary collects are certain percent for the services.
Money transferscash drives it is a money transfer form on bank or post system. at structure of

Слайд 3 Money transfers

account money transfers

( within one state )

external money transfers
(money transfer

between the countries)
Money transfersaccount money transfers    ( within one state )external

Слайд 4The companies which are engaged in money transfers

The companies which are engaged in money transfers

Слайд 5Money transfer on the Internet

Money transfer on the Internet

Слайд 6Some facts about money transfer
1 . In case of money

transfer it is required the documents, proving the identity
2 .

If a transfer is made in foreign currency, the size can't exceed 5000 dollars in days
3 . You can get money transfer the return if it isn't cashed. But you must having paid the commission of 150 rubles or 45 dollars.
4 . If the transferred money wasn't taken away by the receiver within 6 months, that days return to the sender account
Some facts about money transfer1 . In case of money transfer it is required the documents, proving

Слайд 7Commission payment
The average commission in Russia constitutes from 2 to

6 percent from a payment amount
In Russian Post rate it

is ranged
from 1,5 to 5 percent

In Sberbank of Russia
the rate is ranged from
0 to 2 percent

Commission paymentThe average commission in Russia constitutes from 2 to 6 percent from a payment amountIn Russian

Слайд 8Thanks for your attention

Thanks for your attention

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