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Moral Crisis in south Africa

“ I’m going to initiate a national conversation on the moral code, on our values as a country”Jacob ZumaZuma with his three wives

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Moral Crisis in south Africa
With particular reference to the youth

Moral Crisis in south AfricaWith particular reference to the youth

Слайд 2“ I’m going to initiate a national conversation on the moral

code, on our values as a country”
Jacob Zuma
Zuma with his

three wives
“ I’m going to initiate a national conversation on the moral code, on our values as a country”Jacob

Слайд 3Sources
Anass Bayaga, Louw Jaysveree (University of Fort Hare, East London,

South Africa) Moral Degeneration: Crisis in South African Schools?
Eric Pelser

(Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention, Cape Town) Learning to Be Lost: Youth Crime in South Africa
Shwala, Bhekani Goodman (University of Zululand) An investigation into the values necessary for the African Renaissance in South Africa with special reference to the learners in Empangeni District

SourcesAnass Bayaga, Louw Jaysveree (University of Fort Hare, East London, South Africa)  Moral Degeneration: Crisis in

Слайд 4Alcohol and drug addiction

Alcohol and drug addiction

Слайд 5Sources of Your Drug/Alcohol

41.8 %
I do not use drugs

32.5 %
Friends 11.2 %
Not applicable 5.6 %
Relatives 3.1 %
Multiple sources 3.1 %
Pimps 2.5 %
Sources of Your Drug/Alcohol Shebeens/taverns/nightclubs           41.8 %I

Слайд 6Incidence of Crime

Incidence of Crime

Слайд 7Have you ever been involved

Yes 33.8 %
in a fight in/out of school?

No 66.3 %
Have you attacked anyone Yes 16.9 %
in/out of school before? No 83.1 %

The Gates of Pollsmoor, a prison where young prisoners are “corrected” (Cape Town)

Have you ever been involved        Yes 33.8 %in a fight

Слайд 8Personal Experience of Violence at Home

Personal Experience  of Violence at Home

Слайд 9What to Do?

What to Do?ParentsTeachersStateChurchUBUNTU ?

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