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Mukagali Makataev

PlansBiographyChildhoodFamilyCareer The Work of Makataev

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Слайд 1Mukagali Makataev
Орындаған: Шайхығали Талғат
КЯиЛ 18-22

Mukagali MakataevОрындаған: Шайхығали ТалғатКЯиЛ 18-22

Слайд 2Plans
The Work of Makataev

PlansBiographyChildhoodFamilyCareer The Work of Makataev

Слайд 3Mukagali Makatayev was born on February 9, 1931 in the

village Karasaz Narynkolskogo (nowadays Raimbek) the region of Almaty area.

Karasaz's reserved beauty became a source of poetic gift of Mukagali.

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Mukagali Makatayev was born on February 9, 1931 in the village Karasaz Narynkolskogo (nowadays Raimbek) the region

Слайд 4The poet’s full name - Mukhametkali, but since the childhood

he was tenderly called Mukagali, considering that a load of

responsibility (it is hard to bear a name of Prophet) can complicate the child’s life. He was the first of three children of his young parents Suleymen and Nagiman.

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The poet’s full name - Mukhametkali, but since the childhood he was tenderly called Mukagali, considering that

Слайд 5The poet who sees in childhood experiences and experiences of

life are born early. He married at the age of

18 his life wife Lashyn. The first lyrics of the poet began to be recorded at this time.

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The poet who sees in childhood experiences and experiences of life are born early. He married at

Слайд 6In 1952–1969 he worked in a high school as a

teacher of Russian language, a speaker on the Kazakh Radio,

an executive secretary of The Soviet border (Kazakh: Советтік шекара) newspaper, a literary contributor to the newspapers Socialist Kazakhstan

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In 1952–1969 he worked in a high school as a teacher of Russian language, a speaker on

Слайд 7During twenty five years of work in literature Makatayev wrote

more than 1 000 poems. He became the author of

such poems, as Ilyich («Ильич»), Raimbek! Raimbek! («Раимбек! Раимбек!»), A mountain eagle («Горный орел»), Escapee («Беглец»), Moor («Мавр»), and also stories, play Farewell, love («Прощай, любовь»), articles on modern Kazakh poetry.

Негізгі бет

During twenty five years of work in literature Makatayev wrote more than 1 000 poems. He became

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