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My favorite Ukrainian city is a dream city, southern belle, famous for its

Rest in Yalta - is the sea , the sun , the Crimean landscapes and the unique climate of the South Coast . The average summer temperature of + 25 °

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 My favorite Ukrainian city is a

dream city, southern belle, famous for its gentle and majestic

sea Yalta
My favorite Ukrainian city is  a dream city, southern belle, famous for

Слайд 2Rest in Yalta - is the sea , the sun

, the Crimean landscapes and the unique climate of the

South Coast . The average summer temperature of + 25 ° C, winter +4 ° C. No wonder this city at different times chosen for the recovery of many celebrities , including presidents and royal families . It treats the air itself . Yalta cirque surrounding the narrow strip of land , protects the city from the cold winds . A combination of sea and pine air creates magnificent treatment cocktail for human lung In Crimea, forget about all the troubles and problems , you feel rejuvenated and at peace . Truly , Yalta - City of Happiness!

Yalta - City of Happiness

Rest in Yalta - is the sea , the sun , the Crimean landscapes and the unique

Слайд 3Swallow's Nest
Built in 1912 by architect A. Sherwood. Situated

on a steep rock Avroryana of Ai-Todorsky cape. The building

resembles a medieval knight's castle.
Swallow's Nest Built in 1912 by architect A. Sherwood. Situated on a steep rock Avroryana of Ai-Todorsky

Слайд 4Yalta quay
Yalta quay stretching for several kilometers. You can just

walk under the palm trees, you can sit in the

cafe, bar or restaurant, literally around every corner, look at the moon through a telescope, to order your own portrait, to walk among the stalls ubiquitous peddlers
Yalta quayYalta quay stretching for several kilometers. You can just walk under the palm trees, you can

Слайд 5Walk through the garden, according to his shady avenues, listen

leisurely story guide. By the way, how many guides, so

many stories, and therefore recommend and the following story, and a private visit to this wonderful corner.

Nikitsky Botanical Gardens

Walk through the garden, according to his shady avenues, listen leisurely story guide. By the way, how

Слайд 6Yalta is very beautiful in the evening when along its

streets erupt garland lights on so Mr. sky twinkling diamond

stars, and the sea stretches paved lunar silver track . Especially beautiful in the evening when illuminated Quay soft and pleasant light. Poets nothing called Yalta beauty, " pearl" of the Crimea. Boundless expanse of blue in the sea , breathes freshness , care spaciousness . On the shore , between the colorful subtropical greenery , beautifully silhouetted buildings and streets , the white stone palaces sanatorium. Behind them , forming a huge amphitheater , piled in the sky is gray - green mountains , giving special scenic coastline . Yaltintsev proud of their city , warmly greeted the guests who come to stay .Welcome to Yalta , friends! Yalta city of happiness!
Yalta is very beautiful in the evening when along its streets erupt garland lights on so Mr.

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