Разделы презентаций

My profession, my studies and hobby

my studies Student life is the most beautiful time. It is the student years are the most interesting and unforgettable. This time filled with romance, unconcern.Student life brings a

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 My profession, my studies and hobby

The teaching profession is a noble,

but the hard work. I think that we cannot allocate

from the teachers loved and unloved.
The teacher responsible for the fate of children.
Every teacher is individual. They all seek to find common language with children.
For all their teaching activities through a large number of children with whom they communicate, how parents.
The teacher helps us to assess, understand the beauty that surrounds us. Helps to get on the right path in life

My profession, my studies and hobbyThe teaching profession is a noble, but the hard work. I

Слайд 2 my studies

Student life is the most beautiful time. It is

the student years are the most interesting and unforgettable. This

time filled with romance, unconcern.
Student life brings a lot of joy. First, he's happy when he finds out that he became a student, then new acquaintances and friends. From session to session, students live fun. And how much more is through. I study at the Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical University on the second course of the faculty of physics and mathematics.
my studies Student life is the most beautiful time. It is the student years are

Слайд 3my hobby Reading books
This is a very good and useful

I read novels books Yulia Shilova

my hobby  Reading books   This is a very good and useful hobby.

Слайд 4Listening to music
I hear music everywhere: at home, on the

street, in café, in the car, at a disco. Music

improves mood!
Listening to music I hear music everywhere: at home, on the street, in café, in the car,

Слайд 5 Sports
Sport plays a very big role in our

life. This helps us to be in good shape. I

prefer of sports, running, volleyball,football, basketball, tennis.
Sports     Sport plays a very big role in our life. This

Слайд 6 Dances
This is a very nice hobby. You can visit the

disco, after school or dance at home. If you can

dance well, you can look it up in the disco, parties with friends! Enjoy!
Dances This is a very nice hobby. You can visit the disco, after school or dance

Слайд 7Walking
This is a very useful kind of hobby. Fresh air

is good. You will be healthy and strong. Go out

with my friends and relatives!
Walking This is a very useful kind of hobby. Fresh air is good. You will be healthy

Слайд 8Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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