Разделы презентаций

My question from WhatsApp ! Who had Happy Birthday from 23 rd of March till

What do you know about vikings?Speaking: Warming up in the beginningVIKING DESTINY Trailer (2018)

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1My question from WhatsApp!
Who had Happy Birthday from 23rd of

March till this lesson?
Things to do:
1.Socks/Shoe covers

2.Stationery boxes

3.Copybooks to sign


is on duty?
(+1 more club)

Laminated group info:

Quarantine Money !
Birthdays(35 clubs)!

This week you can buy
a lot of presents and sweets!!!!

My question from WhatsApp!Who had Happy Birthday from 23rd of March till this lesson?Things to do:1.Socks/Shoe covers2.Stationery

Слайд 2What do you know about vikings?
Warming up in the

VIKING DESTINY Trailer (2018)

What do you know about vikings?Speaking: Warming up in the beginningVIKING DESTINY Trailer (2018)

Слайд 3Home task:  Выдаётся на уроке в пятницу 11.09.2020  Сделать на среду 16.09.2020  1.Dictation:

challenges -1-p.41-42 (prep.copying) Переписать в тетрадь!!!  2. Challenges-1-w.b-p.38 (Do) Сделать!!!  3. 3

упражнения на граммаику

Your Hometask:

Home task:  Выдаётся на уроке в пятницу 11.09.2020  Сделать на среду 16.09.2020   1.Dictation: challenges -1-p.41-42 (prep.copying)

Слайд 15About the life of vikings

About the life of vikings

Слайд 17Magic of vocabulary

Magic of vocabulary

Слайд 18Magic of vocabulary

Magic of vocabulary

Слайд 22Topics to say the words from until the bomb bursts

Feelings and emotions

Topics to say the words from until the bomb bursts out!Feelings and emotionsFamilyFruitClothesAnimalsHouseFoodDrinks

Слайд 28Can you can a can as a canner can can

a can?
Fred fed Ted bread and Ted fed Fred bread.

nice night nurses nursing nicely.
I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you.
I have got a date at a quarter to eight; I’ll see you at the gate, so don’t be late.
Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?Fred fed Ted bread and Ted

Слайд 29The power of grammar
There is…/ There are…
There is a ship

in the sea.
There are vikings on
the board.

The power of grammarThere is…/ There are…There is a ship in the sea.There are vikings on the

Слайд 41Your Hometask:
Home task:
: Выдаётся на уроке
Сделать на 
1.Dictation (crib p.44)(prep.copying )

4-Out and About p.40
3. Write what you have in your

fridge (There is/are) (Some/any)

Your Hometask:Home task:: Выдаётся на уроке Сделать на 1.Dictation (crib p.44)(prep.copying )2.w.b:Module 4-Out and About p.403. Write what

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