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Mysterious places

Stonehenge The Stonehenge stone circles are in England. People transported the first stones to this placeabout 5000 years ago. We don't know a lot about Stonehenge. Who built it? How did they build it?Why did they build it? It's a mystery.People built Stonehenge with bluestones and sarsen stones. There were about 80 bluestones.They came from mountains 250 kilometers away. They are very heavy – some weigh about 4metric tons. The sarsen stones are even bigger and heavier. About 4000 years ago, peopletransported them from 30 kilometers away.How did people use Stonehenge? Maybe they used it as a cemetery or a place for studying the sun and the stars. Maybe it was also a temple. It's still a special place for some people today. Every year, on June 21st, lots of people go to Stonehenge to celebrate the longest day of the year.

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Слайд 1Mysterious places

Mysterious places

Слайд 2Stonehenge
The Stonehenge stone circles are in England. People transported the first stones to this placeabout 5000 years ago. We don't know a lot about Stonehenge. Who built it? How did they build it?Why did they build it? It's a mystery.
People built Stonehenge with bluestones and sarsen stones. There were about 80 bluestones.They came from mountains 250 kilometers away. They are very heavy – some weigh about 4metric tons. The sarsen stones are even bigger and heavier. About 4000 years ago, peopletransported them from 30 kilometers away.
How did people use Stonehenge? Maybe they used it as a cemetery or a place for studying the sun and the stars. Maybe it was also a temple. It's still a special place for some people today. Every year, on June 21st, lots of people go to Stonehenge to celebrate the longest day of the year.

Stonehenge The Stonehenge stone circles are in England. People transported the first stones to this placeabout 5000 years ago. We don't know a lot about Stonehenge. Who built it? How did they build it?Why did they build it? It's a mystery.People built Stonehenge with bluestones and sarsen stones. There were about 80 bluestones.They came from mountains 250 kilometers away. They are very heavy – some weigh about 4metric tons. The sarsen stones are even bigger and heavier. About 4000 years ago, peopletransported them from 30 kilometers away.How did people use Stonehenge? Maybe they used it as a cemetery or a place for studying the sun and the stars. Maybe it was also a temple. It's still a special place for some people today. Every year, on June 21st, lots of people go to Stonehenge to celebrate the longest day of the year.

Слайд 3Easter Island
On Easter Island there are monuments of Moai -

a group of huge human statues. Moai were carved between

about 1250 and 1500 AD by the earliest inhabitants of the island, and are believed to depict the ancestors of humans and local gods. Sculptures were carved and carved from tuff, volcanic rock, which is common on the island. The scientists found that there were originally 887 statues, but the years of struggle among the clans of the island led to their destruction. Today, only 394 statues still stand, the largest of which is 30 feet in height and weighs more than 70 tons.
Easter IslandOn Easter Island there are monuments of Moai - a group of huge human statues. Moai

Слайд 5 The pyramids of Yonaguni
Of all the famous monuments in Japan,

perhaps no one is more puzzling than Yonaguni, an underwater

formation that is located near the shore of the Rjuku islands. The site was discovered in 1987 by a group of divers watching the sharks. The find immediately caused a huge amount of debate in the Japanese scientific community. The monument is made up of a series of carved mountain formations including massive platforms and huge stone pillars that lie at a depth of 5 to 40 meters. The most popular formation is called "turtle" because of its unique shape. Streams in this area are quite dangerous, but this did not prevent the Yonaguni Monument from becoming one of the most popular dive sites in all of Japan.
The pyramids of Yonaguni Of all the famous monuments in Japan, perhaps no one is more

Слайд 7Island of the Dolls
Just south of Mexico City, between the

canals of Xochimico you can find a small island with

a sad background which never intended to be a tourist destination. The island is known as Island of the Dolls.
It is dedicated to the lost soul of a poor girl who met her fate too soon in strange circumstances.
The area has thousands of people, but this small island is home to hundreds of terrifying dolls. Their severed limbs, decapitated heads, and blank eyes adorn trees.
Dolls are threatening, even in the bright light of midday, but in the dark, they are particularly disturbing.

Island of the DollsJust south of Mexico City, between the canals of Xochimico you can find a

Слайд 8Island of the Dolls

Island of the Dolls

Слайд 9Island of the Dolls

Island of the Dolls

Слайд 10The Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle is a mythical section of

the Atlantic Ocean roughly bounded by Miami, Bermuda and Puerto

Rico where dozens of ships and airplanes have disappeared. Unexplained circumstances surround some of these accidents, including one in which the pilots of a squadron of U.S. Navy bombers became disoriented while flying over the area; the planes were never found. Other boats and planes have seemingly vanished from the area in good weather without even radioing distress messages. But although myriad fanciful theories have been proposed regarding the Bermuda Triangle, none of them prove that mysterious disappearances occur more frequently there than in other well-traveled sections of the ocean. In fact, people navigate the area every day without incident.

The Bermuda TriangleThe Bermuda Triangle is a mythical section of the Atlantic Ocean roughly bounded by Miami,

Слайд 11The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle

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