Разделы презентаций

Natural Resources

Natural resources are elements of nature used in the economy, which are the means of existence of human society..

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Слайд 2Natural resources are elements of nature used in the economy,

which are the means of existence of human society.

Natural resources are elements of nature used in the economy, which are the means of existence of

Слайд 4Renewable resources can be replenished through natural processes or be

replaced through biological processes. But even renewable resources are not


Non-renewable resources cannot be replaced

Renewable resources can be replenished through natural processes or be replaced through biological processes. But even renewable

Слайд 5List of resources

List of resources LandForestWaterBiologicalMineralRecreational

Слайд 6Land resources
The land fund of the country is 1707.5 million

The land for agricultural use is 132 million hectares.
But the

quality of land is different. Much of the land has low fertility.
Land resourcesThe land fund of the country is 1707.5 million hectares.The land for agricultural use is 132

Слайд 7Forest resources
Forest resources of the Russian Federation are significant. The

forest covered area is about 45% of the total territory

of the country.
The raw potential of Russia is formed by coniferous forests (80% of the country's area:
Forest resourcesForest resources of the Russian Federation are significant. The forest covered area is about 45% of

Слайд 8Water resources
The water resources are 4310 cubic meters. km of

them within the country - 4110 cubic meters. km. And

comes from the territory of neighboring countries -200 cubic meters. km.water.
Water resourcesThe water resources are 4310 cubic meters. km of them within the country - 4110 cubic

Слайд 9Biological resources
- are resources of plants and animals used by


Biological resources- are resources of plants and animals used by man.

Слайд 10Biological resources are divided into two types:

Biological resources are divided into two types:

Слайд 11Mineral resources
-  this is the rocks and minerals that are

used or can be used in the national economy: to

generate energy, in the form of raw materials, materials, etc.

Mineral resources-  this is the rocks and minerals that are used or can be used in the

Слайд 12Thank you   for your attention!

Thank you   for your attention!

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