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Negative influence of marketing on society

ContentsIntroductionWhat marketing is in general?Negative effects of marketingConclusion

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Negative influence of marketing on society
Made by VSU, 4th year,

History department
Elizaveta Trofimova

Negative influence of marketing on societyMade by VSU, 4th year, History departmentElizaveta Trofimova

Слайд 2Contents
What marketing is in general?
Negative effects of marketing

ContentsIntroductionWhat marketing is in general?Negative effects of marketingConclusion

Слайд 3What marketing is in general?
Process of promoting goods and services

to the end user

What marketing is in general? 	Process of promoting goods and services to the end user

Слайд 4Influences people to be materialistic
Critics argue that the business system

encourages excessive interest in making money and the acquisition of

Influences people to be materialisticCritics argue that the business system encourages excessive interest in making money and

Слайд 5Business is accused of excessive stimulation of demand for goods

for individual consumption to
the detriment of public goods.

Business is accused of excessive stimulation of demand for goods for individual consumption tothe detriment of public

Слайд 6Erosion of culture
Serious programs are interrupted by advertising inserts, printed

materials are lost among the advertising strips, wonderful landscapes disfigured

Erosion of culture	Serious programs are interrupted by advertising inserts, printed materials are lost among the advertising strips,

Слайд 7Some features are exaggerated
In advertising, we look at the models

who visited makeup artist before shooting and their photos are

processed by special programs.
Some features are exaggerated	In advertising, we look at the models who visited makeup artist before shooting and

Слайд 8False stereotypes
often in advertising we see embellished models that differ

from the real state of things.

False stereotypes	often in advertising we see embellished models that differ from the real state of things.

Слайд 9 Bad influence on children
Marketing can have a bad impact on

children. Overly shocking stars can ruin the child's character.

Bad influence on children 	Marketing can have a bad impact on children. Overly shocking stars can

Слайд 10Pressing society to look in a certain way

Pressing society to look in a certain way

Слайд 11Conclusion
Marketing is a useful thing. But it should be remembered

that we as customers should influence the marketing policy, and

it must not influence us.

Conclusion	Marketing is a useful thing. But it should be remembered that we as customers should influence the

Слайд 12Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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